Chapter 1

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Kai's POV

I dial 911.

"911, what's your emergency?"
"I just got home, and my family's dead." I stutter.
"What's your address?"
"4582 Willow Avenue."
"Ok the police are on their way."
"Thank you."

I hang up the phone.

I can't help but look back over towards my family. Tears start to flood my eyes. My knees become weak and I fall to the ground. I just sit there and cry.

I don't really understand why I got so emotional. They treated me like shit. I guess I could never just stop loving my family.

I start to hear the police sirens turn onto the road. I get back up and walk out the house while drying my tears. The police park on the side of the road.

3rd person POV

"Are you ok?" The police asked Kai.
"As ok as I can be considering I came home to my family dead." Kai starts to tear up again.
"I'm sorry for your loss. I'll bring you to the car and you can sit there while we look around." The police explains.

The policeman walks Kai over to his police car. She sits down and waits for the other police to look around the house.

The policeman's POV

I look around with a few of my other colleagues. I notice that the way they were killed was exactly how the Anderson and Lewis family was murdered. The only difference was that he left the kid.

"I think we need to get the BAU in here." I tell my colleagues.
"I agree, this looks like the Anderson and Lewis family cases." One of my colleagues say.

I call the BAU unit chief, Aaron Hotchner.

"Hello this is police officer, Colin James. There has been 3 sets of murders with the same pattern. 3 families all killed. The only difference is that the person who did these left a family member alive. That could be a sign that he's gonna strike again. Please help us." I tell Agent Hotchner.
"I will inform my team right now. We will be there as soon as we can." Hotchner tells me.
"Thank you sir." I tell him.
"No problem."

I hang up the phone and we go back out to the cars. I go over to the one that the teenager is in.
"We're going down to the station where you will stay for the next few days." I tell the teenage girl.
"Also I never got a name." I ask the teenager.
"Kai, Kai Harris. Also I never got your name."
"Officer James."

Kai's POV

We start driving down to the police station.
"Am I aloud to tell my friend about everything?" I ask the Officer James.
"Sure, who's this friend?" Officer James asks.
"Parker Jenkins."
"Oh I know his father."

Officer James finally pulls into the police station.

3rd person POV

At the BAU, the team is gathering around the table.

"We have a new case in Florida. A series of family murders. Three so far. They have been following the same pattern. The only exception is that the unsub left one girl from the latest family alive, Kai Harris. The Florida P.D. thinks the unsub is coming for her next." Penelope explains the case.

"We don't have that much time. Wheels up in 20." Hotch says and they dismiss.

20 minutes later...

The team goes onto the plane. While on the plane, the team goes over their files. After they're done, they just relax for the last 10 minutes of the ride.

"Are you ok, Em?" JJ asks concerned.
"I just hate it when kids are involved in cases. Especially cases when they're whole family dies." Emily opens up to JJ.
"I do too." JJ admits.

The team lands in Florida.

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