Chapter 23

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7 months later

After the senator talks to the rest of the team about the Ian, Emily, and Declan situation, he calls in Kai.

Kai walks in and sits down in front of the senator. The senator starts firing questions at her.

"So I've heard that you were living with Agent Jareau after Emily's death. So, I would assume that you were present at the BAU while this case was going on. Do you agree that the team took this the wrong way?"

"I understand how Agent Morgan felt. Watching his friend die in front of him. I felt the same way. Losing the only person who ever cared about me the way a parent should only a year after meeting. I understand why he felt the need to figure out the case as long as it would take. I feel that the team shouldn't be questioned about this case."

"I've heard enough. You can exit."

Kai gets up and leaves the court room.

Flashback/Kai's POV

JJ brings me and Derek into the round table room. We walk in to see Hotch, Penelope, Reid, and Rossi. Hotch tells the team that there's something important he has to say. We all take a seat.

"7 months ago I made a decision that effected this team. As you all know, Emily had lost a lot of blood during her fight with Doyle, but the doctors were able to stabilize her. She was airlifted from Boston to Bethesda under a convert exfiltration. Her identity was strictly need-to-know. She stayed there until she was well enough to travel. She was reassigned to Paris where she was given several identities, none of which we had access to for her security." Hotch explains.

My heart drops and a tear falls from my eye when I hear that she survived. It's like my dreams have came true, she never died.
"She's alive?" I hear Penelope ask.
Hotch stayed silent.
"But we buried her." Spencer remarks.

"As I said I take full responsibility for the decision. If anyone has any issues, they should be directed towards me." Hotch looks down at his feet.
"Any issues? Yeah, I got issues." Morgan shouts.

The room goes quiet. Footsteps gradually get louder. Everyone froze, even me.

The team and I slowly turned our heads to see Emily standing in the doorway with an apologetic look on her face. I sat there in shock. I finally break out of my trance.

I stand up and run over to Emily. Emily drops her bag and we land in a hug. She smiles and closes her eyes as a tear drops out of her eye.

I start to shake from sobbing into Emily's chest. She pulls me even closer into herself. I smile into her chest once I wrap my mind around her being alive. We pull apart and Emily holds my shoulders and looks at me crying while smiling.

She wipes my tears.
"I thought you died." I mutter.
"I'm so sorry, Kai. I love you so much." Emily smiles.
"I love you too." I smile back.

Everyone smiles at our interaction. Derek just sits there looking dumbfounded.

Emily goes around apologizing and hugging her team.
"Now I need to figure out what's happened to Declan."

Emily picks up her bag and goes over to the board with all of the information collected.

End flashback/3rd person POV

After the trial, the team goes back to the BAU.

Emily, Rossi, and Kai we're all trying to take down Emily's picture off of the memorial wall. It was screwed in so they couldn't get it out.

Penelope comes over with a screwdriver to remove it. Suddenly, the rest of the team gathers around them. Strauss then calls them into the round table room.

The team gathers around the table. Emily and Kai hold hands. Strauss informs them that the suspension of the team was lifted after the court case, all because of Emily proving that what the team did was the right thing to do.

She offers Emily her job back at the BAU.
"May I think about it?" Emily asks and the team looks upset.
"Of course." Strauss nods.
"I'm in." Emily mutters and the whole team smiles.

Kai wraps her arms around Emily's waist and laid the side of her head on Emily's chest. Emily smiles and grabs Kai's arm and rubs her back.

"I'm glad you're back." Kai smiles.
"Me too." The team smiles at the two.

Strauss leaves the team alone and they catch up with Emily.

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