Chapter 2

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At the police station, Kai texts Parker.

K: my family was murdered last night
P: omg where are you now
K: the police department
P: I'm on my way right now
K: ok

Parker rushes over to the police station. 5 minutes go past and Parker comes running into the station.

"Where's Kai Harris?" He asks the receptionist.
"Go back behind those doors and she should be there." The secretary points to a door.

Parker rushes through the door. He spots Kai and she spots him. They run into the tightest hug ever. Kai starts to sob again. Parker rubs her back. They pull apart and look at each other.

"I'm so sorry Kai." Parker whispers.
"It's ok. They were dicks anyway. I just can't believe this happened to them." Kai admits to Parker.
"I understand." Parker kisses Kai.

Suddenly, Officer James walks in the door with the BAU team trailing in behind him.
"This is Kai. She's the only child of the Harris's left." Officer James tells the team.

Hotch walks forward and shakes her hand.
"We're the BAU and we're here to figure out who did this to your family." Hotch introduces the team.
"Ok." Kai takes a deep breath.

"Let's start." Hotch says to the team.

The team goes into a room.
"Emily and JJ go and talk to Kai, Morgan and Rossi go to the recent crime scene, and Reid and I will try and figure out a lead for the profile." Hotch assigns everyone a task.

Emily and JJ go out to where Kai and Parker are.
"Hey Kai, mind if we talk to you about the incident?" JJ asks.
"I don't mind." Kai mutters.
"Let's go in this room and talk." Emily says as she points to the room next to them.
"Can Parker please come in with us?" Kai asks.
"Sure, if that makes you more comfortable." Emily answers.

They all sit down in the chairs.

"So, where were you before you came home?" JJ asks.
"I was actually at his house." Kai says and points to Parker.
"Is this true?" JJ asks Parker.
"Yes it is." Parker backs up Kai's claim.
"Ok, next, how was your relationship with your family?" JJ asks.

Kai's face immediately drops.

JJ and Emily notice the shift in her behavior. Parker also takes note of this. He puts his arm around Kai's back.

"Well, we had a good relationship at first. When it was just my parents and I. Ever since my sister Layla was born, things went downhill. It was like I was pushed off to the side. Neglected. Layla was perfect in my parent's eyes. I was nothing to them. I hate to admit this, but their behavior made me 'act out.' I was getting in fight after fight, my grades dropped from all As to all Fs, and I would hurt myself. I always thought that I was the problem. I thought I was the reason they hated me." Kai starts to cry again when thinking about her family.

Parker pulls her back into a hug. Kai holds onto him like the world depends on it. They soon let go and look back at Emily and JJ.

"We're gonna find whoever did this. We promise." Emily tells Kai.
"Thank you so much." Kai wipes her tears.

Emily and JJ go back with Hotch and Reid. Parker and Kai stay snuggled up on the couch.

Emily calls Garcia.

"How can I help?" Penelope asks.
"Can you find any records on how the relationships were between the family members?" Emily asks Garcia.
"Well the Lewis had some court cases dealing with abuse. The Anderson's daughter, Abbey, had been to the hospital after being severely injured by her father." Penelope cringes while she explains.
"Ok thank you, Garcia." Emily hangs up.

"Hotch, I think that the unsub is trying to kill the families to get revenge on the part of the family hurting the other and to relieve the part being hurt." Emily explains.

"But why did the unsub leave Kai?" Hotch asks.
"That's what I don't understand. It might've been a accident or it was on purpose."
"The unsub could come back for Kai." Hotch mutters.
"I'll go talk to Kai again." Emily volunteers.
"Ok." Hotch allows Emily.

Emily goes back into the room where Parker and Kai were. When she walks in, she notices that Kai is alone.
"Where's your friend?" Emily asks Kai.
Kai jumps and looks over at Emily.

"I didn't mean to scare you." Emily apologizes.
"It's ok." Kai mutters.
"Do you mind if I sit down?" Emily asks Kai.
"You can sit." Kai allows Emily.
Emily sits next to Kai.

"Can we talk about how your family was?" Emily asks Kai cautiously.
"I already told you everything. They didn't care about me after Layla was born." Kai mutters as she plays with the hem of her clothes.

"How did you know that they didn't care about you?"
"Can we not talk about this?" Kai starts to tear up.
She looks away from Emily so she couldn't see her being emotional. Emily puts her hand on Kai's knee.

"It's ok to cry. It's not easy losing the people you love. And I know you think you didn't love them and they didn't love you, but you do and they do. You and your family might not show that love but deep down it's there." Emily reassures Kai.

"Thank you." Kai mutters while she continues to tear up.
"Your welcome." Emily smiles.

"Now do you wanna tell me how they treated you?" Emily asks.
"They neglected me. I was degraded with everything I accomplished. Sometimes my dad would even..." Kai takes a deep breath. "Hit me." Kai mutters.

"Oh Kai, I'm so sorry you were treated like this." Emily tells Kai.
"It's ok I guess." Kai mutters while continuing to stare at the ground.
"I have to get back to my team, but if you ever need to talk to me, I'm here for you." Emily tells Kai as she goes to walk out the door.

She opens the door, but before she can leave, Kai calls for Emily.
"Emily wait!" Kai shouts.
"Yes?" Emily asks.
"Thank you." Kai says.
"You're welcome." Emily smiles at Kai.

A few minutes after Emily leaves the room, Kai goes to the bathroom. Once she cleans up, Kai walks out into the hallway. Suddenly, she feels someone put their hand over her mouth.

"If you scream, the whole BAU is dead." The person warns Kai.
Kai nods and lets the person take her from the station.

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