Chapter 17

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Boston P.D.

"200,000?" Seaver asks.
"How much leverage do we have?" Hotch asks.
"Is he an addict?" Ashley asks.
"He's having a nicotine fit. We won't let him smoke." Rossi explains.
"We could use that. He could relax, open his big mouth."
"Is that enough?" Hotch asks.
"Well, I'm pretty good with narcissists... dated a few.

Emily's POV

Doyle places a chair down in front of me. He takes a seat.
"What is it that you do Lauren?" Doyle asks.
I smile when I notice he's trying to revisit the past.
"I'm looking to get in business with a former IRA captain who's gone free lance, Valhalla. But since this is sensitive..." I pause and start speaking French, "it might be better to discuss privately."
"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" Ian answers in French.

"Let me out of these." I mutter still in French.
"That's not how it went." Ian fake smiles.
"But I can't make you happy in handcuffs." I continue to speak French.

Ian walks behind me and grabs my hair and lean closer. He suddenly grips he tightly making me gasp.
"Do you really think I'd let you fool me twice?" Ian whispers in my ear.
"I just wanted..."
"I know what you wanted, a way into my head, but I changed the locks. So you are gonna have to suffer the way I suffered. This won't be the first time we've killed an innocent but it's the first time you'll have to watch." Ian pauses then shouts for Liam.

Boston P.D.

David and Ashley bring Fahey out for a smoke. Kai also came along to get some air.

"You know when a cigarette is really best? After sex with me." Fahey tells Ashley.
"Mind your manners. You're already extorting us from Prentiss's location." David lunges at Fahey.
"So just out of curiosity, what's it like working for Doyle?" Seaver asks.
"He's not that tough."

Emily's POV

Liam brings in a computer and places it on the chair in front of me. The computer screen is from the camera of a rifle aiming at Fahey, Rossi, Seaver, and Kai.

"You got 'em? Liam asks.
"Which one's the target?" The man holding the gun asks.
"No! This is about you and me! That's what you said! You and me!" I shout.

"Then why is your team and daughter here? Cause I didn't leave a trail." Ian asks.
"Ian. Whatever you want to do to me, I accept. But leave them out of it."
"Yes, except I didn't bring them into it, did I? What do you think?" Ian asks Liam.
"The child first, woman second, the goatee fella third, then Fahey if he has a shot." Liam says.

Once I heard him say they were gonna hurt Kai first, I started to cry. I couldn't stand the thought of my little girl dying. I thought that Fahey had to go.

"Shoot Fahey! If he dies my team doesn't have anything." I say.
"Hello, Lauren. Good to see you again." Ian says.

Boston P.D.

"Wow, I bet you're his hookup, aren't you? After all, you're the man." Ashley says.
"I can show you and the little one back there how much of a man I am." Fahey smirks.
"She is a child!" Rossi shouts at Fahey for sexualizing Kai.
"Hey what's up with the sexy cop, bad cop, and hot child sidekick?" Fahey says.

Suddenly, there's a loud bang. Blood splattered all over Kai and Ashley. Fahey was shot. Ashley stood there in shock and Kai started hyperventilating.
"Let's get you both inside." Rossi says before rushing them inside.

Inside the police department Rossi brings Kai to JJ.

"What happened?" JJ asked concerned when she saw Kai having a panic attack.
"She just witnessed Fahey get shot right in front of her." Rossi informs JJ.
"I'll take care of her." JJ says and Rossi goes to another room with Seaver to help her clean up.

Kai was just standing there hyperventilating and shaking. JJ walked over and wrapped her arm around Kai's back and lead her to a seat.

Kai sat down and tried to catch her breath. Nothing was working. She started to panic even more. JJ crouches down in front of Kai and squeezes her hand.
"Shhhh. Breathe. It's ok I'm here. Calm." JJ says trying to calm her down.

Kai continues to have a panic attack and it wasn't slowing down.
"What happened?" Spencer asks concernedly when he saw Kai's state.
"She witnessed Fahey get shot right in front of her." JJ says.

JJ still tried to calm Kai. It started working but Kai closed her eyes very hardly and had flashbacks to the occurrence.

"Open your eyes hunny." JJ starts to shake Kai.
Kai snaps out of her flashback and she pulls JJ into a tight hug. Her panic attack turned into tears. Kai held on to JJ like her life depended on it. She still was hyperventilating while crying but not as bad.

"Shhhh it's ok, I've got you, you're gonna be fine. Breath in and breath out. It's ok. It's ok. Calm. Calm." JJ strokes Kai's hair.

Kai starts to imagine that she was hugging Emily. She just wanted to see Emily so bad. Kai wanted to help her because god only knows what Ian was doing to her.

Finally, Kai calmed down and pulled away from JJ.
"Are you ok now?" JJ asks.
"Yes." Kai nods.


David walks into Ashley aggressively wiping her shirt, trying to get the blood out.
"That's not gonna come out." Rossi tells Seaver.
"Yeah I know."
"Ashley, we have a problem without Fahey there's not much left. All of us want to save Prentiss so bad that we can't see this case, straight."
"Ok? What do we do?"

"We depend on the team member with the freshest eyes."
"No, not me."
"You haven't worked with Prentiss for 5 years. You're unprejudiced. Now, what's been bugging you since we left Quantico? How about the affair? That bugs me! How does them sleeping together change Doyle's profile?"
"I-I-I don't know."

"Come on Ashley! It's textbook."
"I haven't read every text book."
"You want me to hold your hand? Fine! What doesn't fit? Just say it! What are you thinking? Spit it out!"
"Why families?"
"Keep going!"

"Prentiss is Doyle's stressor. He wants revenge on the woman that betrayed him, and I understand that. But why kill that child in D.C.?"
"That's the agent Seaver I've been looking for. Come on. Let's get you a new shirt."


The team goes back to the case and Kai sits there silently.
"So, assuming Clyde isn't the mole. I looked through JTF's personal records again. Jeremy made some fancy plans before his death, specifically bought a large estate in Spain." Penelope tells JJ.
"He signed all his documents for his covers. Made a down payment in cash and sold the rest." JJ explains.

"So Jeremy sold the list to Doyle." Hotch states.
"He was the first victim. Killed quietly. Doyle didn't want any attention until he was ready." JJ tells Hotch.

"Did Tsia know?" Hotch asks.
"I can't tell. If i were running from a terrorist, I would cash him in IRA. Not that one, the other one. You know what I mean. Tsia didn't touch that money, so I don't think she's in on it." Penelope explains.

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