Chapter 15

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Emily walks into the Black Shamrock. She sits down at the same spot where she first met Ian. She pulls out the card Ian gave her. She starts to get flashbacks from 8 years ago.


"Lauren Reynolds, this is the guy I told you about." Fahey introduces Ian.
"Told me everything but a name." Emily puts out her hand.
"Ian Doyle." Ian shakes her hand.
"I love being the man. Bringing people together. Have fun kids." Fahey says before he pats Ian's back.

"Jack told me you were provisional IRA."
"Used to be. Now I gotta look for work just like everybody else." Ian explains.
"But, Ian, that's a Protestant name, isn't it? Not a lot of Protestants in the IRA, or is that how you proved you were a good fighter? Defending your mother for giving you that name."

"And what is it that you do Lauren?"
"Right now I am trying to get in business with a former IRA captain. He's gone free lance. You might've heard of him. Valhalla."
"Yeah, I might know him."

"Well since this is sensitive." Emily pauses, "it might be better to discuss it in private." Emily starts to speak French.
"You're just full of surprises, aren't you?" Ian asks Emily in French.
"You have no idea." Emily smirks.

End flashback

"Get out Fahey!" Emily hears the bartender shout which takes her out of the flashback.
Emily leaves the bar and goes out to Fahey's car to take out the battery to his car.

At the BAU

Derek goes over the list of undercover spies Emily gave them. Penelope then noticed that the sheet was wrong.
"Could it just be a formatting error?" Reid asks Penelope.
"No, this is a spread sheet template. Formatting doesn't allow for this. There's a missing name on here." Penelope says.
"Another spy who's initials are L.R." Hotch notes.

"Lauren Reynolds is dead." Spencer mutters to himself.
"What?" Hotch asks.
"Lauren Reynolds is dead! Prentiss said that on a phone call 17 days ago, but her intimation wasn't surprise or grief! It was like a mantra. Like she was reminding herself! Lauren Reynolds! L.R.!" Reid exclaims once he figures it out.
"If Prentiss is the last one on that list, she's on Doyle's list too." Seaver explains while Hotch calls Emily.

Hotch goes over to Emily's desk when he hears a ringing. He looks in a drawer to see her things still there. Hotch pulls them out.
Everyone looks over.
"She left her badge and gun? Why would she do that?" Derek asks.

"It doesn't make sense. Why run? We're her family. We can help." Spencer worries.
"Doyle's killing families. She's not married, not close to relatives. He was ready to wipe us out. She ran to protect us." Rossi pauses, "and Kai. Wait. Where's Kai now?" Rossi asks.
"Emily said she dropped her off at JJ's house 2 days ago. I imagine she's still there." Penelope chimes in.
"We need to get her safely in here." Hotch says.

Boston, Massachusetts

Fahey walks out to his car and gets inside. When he starts the engine it doesn't work.
"Battery's dead Fahey." Emily says from the backseat behind him.
"Lauren." Fahey mutters.

At the BAU

"She's a trained spy, she doesn't wanna be found." Rossi says.
"She knows all of our tricks and we don't know any of hers." Derek remarks.
"But, how do we find her?" Penelope asks worriedly.

"Here's how, Ian Doyle's our unsub, Prentiss is our victim. We profile their behavior, we treat it like every other case. Because terrorism isn't an area we specialize in I've reached out to an expert from the state department. Someone who can also shed light on Prentiss's past." Hotch explains.
"Who?" Spencer asks.
"Her." Hotch looks behind the team.
The team turns around and sees JJ with Kai following behind her.

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