Chapter 19

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Boston P.D.

"I found them! I matched Irish immigration records based on Doyle's employees. Declan Jones is the only boy who matches. Settled in Boston, eight years ago, adopted guardian Louise Jones." Penelope shows Clyde.
"She was his housekeeper." Clyde says.
"Are they still alive?" Hotch asks.
"Declan and his mother went missing 7 years ago. Bodies were never found. What is this?" Penelope asks as she pulls up the picture of them sitting on the floor with tape on their mouths and getting shot.

"Is there an address?" Hotch asks.
"That looks like a warehouse, it has to be big enough to house a small army, that is weapons, supplies. Which means it has it own perimeter. I got it! 1518 Adams Street."

Emily's POV

"After your arrest, I relocated Louise and Declan and then I got a call. Interpol had sent back our profile. The head of the terrorist division wanted more dirt on you so they could ruin you." I explain.
"So you used my son as a promotion?" Doyle assumes.
"No. I wouldn't let him be a pawn. The things they'd do to him to get you to talk. But I knew even if I didn't cooperate, they were gonna find him eventually so I had too..." I pause.
"You had to what?" Ian shouts.
"I had to end his suffering. Before it could begin." I explain but Ian slaps me hardly across the face.

"What did you do? You put him in the profile, what else did you do?" Ian gets angry and slams my back against the wall.
"I put him in the profile after the pictures were taken."

Boston P.D.

Reid looks at the picture of Declan and Louise. He tells Morgan to come and look.
"What it looks like black clothing and a hand, Reid." Morgan says confused.
"Look at the fingernails." Reid points out.
"Oh my god!" Penelope says.

Emily's POV

"You don't know when those pictures were taken. You don't know that." Ian says.
"Yes I do. I'm the one holding the gun." I confess.

Ian starts screaming and he pulls me and pushes me into a rack against the wall, causing things to fall all over. He then pushes me down to the ground.

"You wanna hear his last words to me?" I ask.
Ian kicks me in the stomach.
"He said, 'I looked pretty good for a dead kid, didn't I?' And then he got on the plane and I never saw him again." I say.
"He's alive?" Ian asks while shouting and kicking me again.
"Just because I held a gun to him, doesn't mean I shot him. I only had to make you and the North Koreans believe he was dead." I confess again and Ian picks me up and throws me against a wall.

Boston P.D.

"Agent Prentiss is the only friendly in the building. Rescuing her is our primary objective." Hotch tells the swat team.
"Our only advantage here is stealth. Once they know we're on site, there's nothing to stop them from killing her. So we keep it quiet until we get to her.

Emily's POV

"No you're lying!" Ian shouts.
He goes to pull out his gun but I elbow it out of his hand and down to the ground. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"I beat you Ian! Before you even got out of North Korea, I beat you! Because I have Declan his life back." I continue to strangle him.
"I'll find him!" Ian grunts.
"No you won't! Ever since you've told me my people got Fahey I've been stalling you." I say.

Suddenly the lights go off and I get distracted so my grip loosens. Ian takes this to his advantage and pulls me forward. I sit run him into a table. The table breaks and I sat on top of Doyle.

I took the broken leg of the table and started smacking him with it as hard as I could in the face. The last time I hit him I threw the wood and it landed next to Doyle.

Doyle grabbed it and pierced it into my stomach. I grunt.
"Where is he? Where's Declan? Emily?" Ian asks in a raspy voice.

I fall over onto the ground. I lay there half conscious when k hear gunshots. Doyle hears them too and flees the scene.

I then feel Derek sit next to me and I hear his voice.
"I found her! I need a medic on the south side! I need a medic!" Derek shouts into his ear piece.

Derek grabs my hand and squeezes it.
"It's me, I'm here, you're gonna be alright. Stay with me baby! Stay with me!" Derek starts to shout.
"Tell Kai I love her, but you have to let me go." I tell Derek as I feel like I'm about to pass out.
"No I am not letting you go. Neither is Kai." Derek pauses then shouts, "Help me!"

"Listen to me. I know why you did all of this. I know what you did for Declan. And I am so proud of you. Do you understand that? I am so proud of you because you are my friend and you are my partner. No Emily! Come on Emily stay with me! If you can hear me please just squeeze my hand. Yes there you go. There you go baby. Just keep squeezing." Derek says.

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