Chapter 12

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One year later

"Have fun at JJ's." Emily says before she leaves to go out.
Kai runs over to Emily and hugs her
"I will." Kai smiles and Emily leaves.

"You ready to have fun?" JJ asks as she brings Kai into the house.
"Yes!" Kai smiles.
"First, you have to meet Will and Henry." JJ brings Kai over to her husband and son.

"Henry, say hello to Kai." JJ bends down to Henry's level.
"Hi Kai." Henry smiles.
"Hey Henry." Kai smiles back.

JJ gets up and walks over to Will.
"Will, this is Emily's daughter, Kai." JJ introduces Kai.
"Nice to meet you, Kai. I've heard a lot about you." Will smiles.
"Nice to meet you too."

Emily's POV

I walk into the bar. I see Sean sitting down at the bar table.
"Hello Sean."
"Emily." Sean looks down at his drink. "Ian Doyle escaped prison. Interpol can't find him."
"Am I in danger?" I ask.
"We all are."

After those words, I just sat there in shock.
Sean, Sia, Clyde, me, and most importantly Kai are in danger. That scared me half to death. But, all I could think of is how much I need to protect Kai.

JJ's house

Kai plays with Henry. They build blocks up and try to make a giant tower. Will and JJ sit on the couch and admire how well Kai is with Henry.

Henry was ready to put the last block on. Kai picked him up so he could reach the top of the tower. He carefully put the block on. Kai placed him back down and they both admired the tower.

"Look mommy! It's so big." Henry climbs on the couch and sits next to JJ.
"I know Henry. You guys did and amazing job." JJ smiles.

Kai's POV

I look at Henry and how well his relationship is with JJ. I couldn't help but wish I had that with Emily. I wish I was actually her child. I wish she could've seen me grow up. I think that makes her not love me as much as she would've if I was her biological child.

I get out of my thoughts when I heard a knock on the front door. I look over to the door and see JJ opening the door for Emily. I go over to Emily.

"Hey Kai." Emily smiles.
I don't say anything, I just wrap my arms around her. I hugged her as hard as I could without hurting her.

Emily's POV

I look down at Kai a little shocked and confused. I give in to her hug. I love moments like these, when Kai holds on to me like the world was about to end.

Kai finally lets go.

"How was your time with JJ?" I ask.
"Amazing. Me and Henry built that huge tower with blocks." Kai smiles and points to the block tower.
"That's wonderful."

"How about you both clean that up while Emily and I talk?" JJ suggested.
Kai nodded and went over to Henry so they could clean up.

JJ and I walk over to the kitchen and talk.
"How was Kai?" I ask JJ.
"She was really good. But, I did notice that when I was on the couch with Henry talking about the tower, she looked at us then she looked away and it looked like she got in her head. You know? Like she was thinking to herself and by her body language and facial expressions it didn't look like good thoughts. And when she hugged you just now it lead me to think it was about her relationship with you." JJ looked down at her hands.
"I will have to talk to her about it. I just don't want her to feel that way. I want Kai to know that I care about her. Also I've been wanting to tell you something." I look up at JJ.

"If anything ever happens to me, I would want you to take in Kai." I start to tear up when thinking about having to leave Kai alone.
"Wait? Why do you think something's gonna happen to you?" JJ asks confused.
"I don't think that, I just wanted to tell you that." I try to hide that I thought Doyle would hurt me.
"Oh well I would love to take care of her for you, but nothings gonna happen to you anytime soon." JJ sadly smiles to me.
"Thank you JJ for having her over and thank you for everything." I smiles and pull JJ into a hug.

We pull away and I go over and get Kai.
"Bye Kai, it was nice meeting you." Will tells Kai.
"Bye, it was nice meeting you too." Kai smiles.
"Bye bye." Henry waves at Kai.
"Bye Henry." Kai crouches down and hugs Henry.
"Bye honey." JJ tells Kai. Kai gets back up and hugs JJ.
"Bye JJ, thanks for having me." Kai pulls away from JJ.
"Anytime." JJ smiles.

"You ready?" I ask Kai.
"Yep." Kai looks at me and smiles.
We both leave and go to the car. I drive us home.

We go into the house. We both get settled.
"I'm going up to my room." Kai tells me, but I stop her.
"Wait, I want to talk real quick." I tells Kai and she nods.

I bring Kai over to the couch with me. We sit down next to each other. I wrap my arm around her back. Kai looks at me when she's ready to talk.

"So, JJ told me that you looked like you kind of went into your thoughts when you saw Henry with her in the couch. Is that true?" I ask.
Kai just looks at me for a second before sighing and looking down.
"Yes it's true." A tear slips out of her eye.
"What we're thinking about?"
"How I wished that you were my biological mother so that I could've had those moments when I was a kid. And I was jealous because I got terrible treatment instead when I was his age. I also felt that...that." Kai starts to stutter.
"You can tell me." I grab Kai's hand and squeeze it.
"I felt that you would've loved me even more if I was your biological child." Kai starts to sob into her hands.

My heart stops when she told me that. It made me feel terrible that she felt that way. I pulled Kai into a tight hug.
"Oh sweetheart. I love you so, so much. I don't care that you're not biologically mine. All I care about is that we met in the first place, and that I saved you from a terrible situation, twice. That doesn't effect how much I love you. You will always be my little girl." I start to cry too.

"I love you Emily." Kai sobs into my shoulder.
"I love you too baby."

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