Demon slayer X Bungou stray dogs AU

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If you haven't seen or read Bungou stray dogs, here's a quick introduction: Atsushi, our main charecter, has a gift (aka a power) that lets him transform in to a huge white tiger. He rescues a man (Dazai) from drowning in a river. After that he starts working with him and his partner, Kunikida, at the armed detective agency, commonly referred to as ADA. It is a place for gifted people to work to protect the city of Yokohama. There is also the port mafia, who want to capture and sell Atsushi on the black market. All these charecters are based on REAL PEOPLE. like, Osamu Dazai, for example. Their powers are named after their books.

Anyway, here's what I think it would be like if demon slayer charecters lived in the BSD universe.

Excuse me if this makes no sense, I'm all out of ideas rn. The heat wave is boiling my brain. Let me know if you guys want me to make more BSD/KNY powers, the demons could be fun to have as the port mafia!

Shinobu: Shinobu's power is one that lets her summon beetle like creatures that heal people, the side effect to this is that her powers only save people when they go trough the wounds and in to the patient's body. She belongs to the ADA.

Giyuu: Giyuu's power is an offence and defence power. He can create illusions using rain to hide himself, and attack by controling water droplets, making them in to ice. He belongs to the ADA. His side effect is that he is constantly dehydrated because he also uses some water in his own body to make his illusions stronger and more durable.

Sanemi: Sanemi has the power to sweep trough air, he has wind control. He belongs to the ADA. His side effect is that it makes him feel weak. Since he uses so much air in his attacks.

Rengoku: something tells me he has the ability to set parts of his body on fire, he is a more offense kind of fighter. He is also extremely fast. His side effect is that he has to be warm for his powers to work the best. So he usually eats a lot of hot and spicy foods to keep his temperature up. He belongs to the ADA.

Obanai: Obanai has the ability to summon a huge, white snake. This snake  can also hypnotise its enemies and attack them with huge force. The side effect is that Obanai has to use huge amounts of energy to control his ability. This makes him have terrible headaches. He belongs to the ADA.

Mitsuri: Mitsuri has the ability to coax people with sweet words and a mist like haze that lets her control her victims. The side effect of this, is that it only works on men, and women are immune to it unless she uses huge amounts of her energy in to her ability. She also belongs to the ADA.

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