married life (modern au) part 1

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a usual morning goes like this: Giyuu gets up in the early morning to get ready for work. He enjoys the quiet that dawn brings. He goes downstairs and makes himself some bread and coffee. He packs his own lunch (Shinobu ain't nobody's house wife) He doesn't have to leave for an hour or so, so he sits on the couch a watches the morning news.

Shinobu wakes up after him and does her morning routine. Sometimes she wonders how her husband can wake up so early.

-Good morning." She says, her voice still deep with sleep.

-Morning." He replies smiling.

When Giyuu is going out the door, he hears Shinobu call him.
-Aren't you forgetting something?" Her voice rings out. Giyuu shakes his head and chuckles. He goes up to Shinobu and plants a kiss on her lips. Shinobu's eyes widen and she holds something up so Giyuu can see it.

-I meant your keys, but thanks." Giyuu blushes, embarrassed. He takes his keys with a simple "thank you" and then walks out the door and to his car.


It's summer, so Shinobu leaves a window open to let in some cool air. She has the weekends off, while Giyuu is still hard at work. She uses these days to wind down and watch some TV, or take a walk. Suddenly, she hears a "meow" from her left. She turns to see a stray cat had wandered in trough the open window. It must have smelled the food Shinobu was cooking. "Damn it!" She thinks as she stands up on the couch. The cat tilts it's head and walks closer. Shinobu is starting to freak out. She takes steps back and doesn't take her eyes off the cat. It had a short, gray pelt with some white mixed in, and big, yellow eyes. Shinobu shuddered. Eventually, she got the courage to go in the bathroom. She took a deep breath of relief. The cat couldn't open the lock.

Shinobu waited, she was too scared that the cat would attack her when it saw her. So, a few hours later, Giyuu came home from work and saw a cat, fast asleep on the couch.

-...Shinobu?" He called. He was well aware that his wife didn't like furry creatures. He walked around the house when he heard the bathroom door crack open a little.

-Is it gone?" She asked, referring to the cat.

-No, but it's asleep, so don't worry." Giyuu replied. Shinobu sighed. She dusted her clothes off and stepped out of the bathroom.

-Wait... The food!" Shinobu suddenly realised she had left the dish on the kitchen counter. She hurried to the kitchen to make sure the cat hadn't eaten the meal she had made.

Luckily, the cat wasn't interested in Lasagna. Shinobu was relived, she didn't feel like cooking another meal today.

-Can you get rid of the cat?" She asked Giyuu. Her husband noded. He went up the cat and carefully slipped his hands under it. The cat stirred and started to squirm. Giyuu went up to the open window and quickly set the cat on the windowsill. The cat hissed and tried to claw at Giyuu, who stepped back just in time, before turning around and leaping down to the ground (the cat was fine, it was a low window.) Shinobu came behind Giyuu and kissed his cheek.

-Thank you. Now let's eat."

Also, happy mid-summer!

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