sick Shinobu X Giyuu

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This is compleatley self-indulgent btw, I'm sick with a cold and these two are my comfort ship. I wrote this with a fever so we'll see how bad this turns out. Hope you enjoy :D

-I am not sick." Shinobu's protests fell on deaf ears as Giyuu blocked the door to the insect hashira's room with his body and gently prodded Shinobi farther back in her room and scoffed.

-Yeah, and I'm the emperor of japan." Shinobu gave him a blank stare and sniffled slightly. She could act fine as much as she liked, but the shivers and the cough made it obvious that Shinobu was sick. Kanao didn't have any idea how to get Shinobi to lie down and rest when she was sick, and so, the duty fell on Giyuu.

-Are you cold?" Giyuu asked and looked around the room, searching for something warm with his eyes.

-No, I'm fine, and I need to get back to work." The woman hissed. Giyuu wasn't planning on letting her go anywhere and so he didn't answer, opting instead to take a spare blanket from the top of an old closet in Shinobu's room. He threw it in her direction and Shinobu caught it in her arms and sneezed as dust got in her nose from the blanket.

-Lay down, I'll be back." Giyuu ordered her and turned to trudge out of the room. He turned around and said with a pointed look. -If you are not here when I come back, so help me I will tie you to this bed." Shinobu stuck her tounge out at the man but begrudgingly went to sit on her bed.


Giyuu came back half an hour later. He was carrying a bowl of rice porridge and a flask of warmed up water. (I googled what they eat for colds in Japan for this, idk why, chicken would've probably been fine)

-Oh, you were so worried you made me food? How conciderate of you." She was obviously mocking him. Giyuu resisted the urge to throw the bowl on the floor and walk away as he set the porridge next to Shinobu's futon. He gave the warned up flask to Shinobu and she popped it open to take a few greedy gulps. It seemed to relax her.

-No, I asked Kanao to make it." He lied. Shinobu didn't believe it for a second but she said nothing. Talking felt like burning in her throat and she swallowed to push the pain down before speaking again.

-I don't need you to fuss over me like a mother hen." Shinobu sighed as Giyuu pushed her down on to her bed with one hand. The sheets were just washed and felt cool to her skin, making her shiver again. She still wanted to cough, and she tried her best to prevent it.

-Sure you don't." Giyuu rolled his eyes and got up to get the cough medicine from the drawer. Shinobu tried to protest, but she could barely get a sound out before she was having another coughing fit. Giyuu searched thoroughly and came upon a small brown bottle that said "cough syrup" Giyuu took a few long steps toward Shinobu and saw her grimace.

-Drink it." Giyuu shoved the bottle in front of her nose and shinobu smirked. Giyuu could feel his patience wearing thin.

-What if I don't want to?" Even when sick, she just couldn't stop teasing him, could she? Giyuu clenched his teeth and leaned forward until his nose was inches from Shinobu's. She watched as he looked in to her eyes and opened the cough syrup. Then, he took a sip and his face contorted from the bad taste. Before she had time to react, Giyuu had lifted her chin and kissed her, getting the medicine in her mouth and she was forced swallow. Giyuu let go of her when he was sure she had gotten every last drop. He then turned around to get the bottle back to the drawer. (Coward smh-)

-Are you stupid? You could get sick from that little stunt." She tried to scold him but her cheeks were so bright he had a hard time taking her seriously.

-Whatever, it's not like a cold is going to kill me." Giyuu replied bluntly. Shinobu yawned and her eyes started to flutter close.

-Just get some rest for now, ok? You need to be back in health soon, we don't have time to get sick." He said steadily. Shinobu didn't bother giving a quip back. She layed down on her bed and pulled her two blankets on top of herself. Giyuu hesitated before asking.

-Need anything else?" Shinobu pondered for a moment and spoke up quietly.

-Could you stay? Just until I get to sleep. I think the fever is making me a little paranoid." She asked, her voice was tense. Giyuu lifted his brows. He hadn't expected her to be so easily frightend. Then again, she was scared of fuzzy animals, so he supposed it wasn't that big of a stretch.

-Sure, it's no problem." He nodded. Shinobu nodded, her shoulders relaxing and another yawn slipping past her lips. Giyuu took a seat beside his colleagues bed. He heard a quiet voice.

-Giyuu?" He hummed in acknowledgment.

-Thank you."

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