Part 1.

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3rd person omniscient.

"You don't wanna make yo brother happy?"

"I do but this hard."

"What would Da'Jour tell you to do?" Zayla asked D'Aire.

"To do the work.."

"Okay so do it." She said softly.

D'Aire wasn't taking Da'Jour being away very well, he missed him although it had been some time.

Zoie was here, their daughter she was now 3 years old.

"Zoie, you can't eat that." Zayla told her.

She opened her mouth and the marbles fell out, "Zoie." Her mouth dropped. "I didn't know all those was in there."

She giggled as she ran off, Zayla got the marbles up rinsing them off before putting them away out of her reach.

"D'Aire!" Zayla called.

"I'm coming." He came down the stairs.

"Here, matter fact." She took the marbles down. "Don't let Zoie get to these marbles."


"And once you put them away, y'all food ready." She pointed to the table.

Zaylas phone rung, Azora on the other line waiting for her to pick up.

"Hello?" Zayla answered the FaceTime call .

"What you doing? You okay?"

"Waiting for D'Aire to come eat, him and Zoie."

"You okay?"

"Yea." She nodded. "It's not hard now that Zoie can do more stuff on her own."

"That's good."

"I just wish he could come home, tired of waiting on nothing. Then I had a dream he got shot and died, I can't do it." She shook her head.

"You had a dream he died?"

"Yea." She nodded fighting her tears. "It was a dream, but it was spot on. Everything we had did that same day when we celebrated Ej birthday, happened in my dream but instead he died."

"It's gone be okay, he's fine, I'm pretty sure they gone let him out soon."

Azora knew True was coming home today. It was a surprise for Zayla and the kids, everyone knew but her.

He had gotten locked up for violating his probation but it wasn't really his fault because he was taking Zayla to the hospital, they let him out.

"Ima call you back, they bout to eat." Zayla told her . "And hurry up and have that baby."

"About that..." Azora trailed.

"What?" Zayla frowned.

"I'm at high risk, the baby's not likely to survive."

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