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"ℕ𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕥𝕚𝕞𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕤𝕖𝕖 𝕒 𝕓𝕣𝕠𝕥𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕕𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕊𝕥𝕠𝕡 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕡𝕚𝕔𝕜 𝕙𝕚𝕞 𝕦𝕡, ℂ𝕒𝕦𝕤𝕖 𝕪𝕠𝕦 𝕞𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥 𝕓𝕖 𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕟𝕖𝕩𝕥 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕔𝕜."

《 Zayla Nicole Campbell 》

∴ 《 Zayla Nicole Campbell 》 2:59PM

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"He's very much single." I shrugged eating my popcorn .

"What happened now?" Kamille asked .

"He said somebody in there told him I was messing around with my ex."

"Who? Terik?"

"Yes , me and him haven't talked since I don't know when . And True being True , of course he believed it . I didn't explain myself cause he acted like he just knew it all."

"Wow , y'all gone get back together."

"No , I feel like we rushed into it anyway , it was bound to end over something small . A break probably what we need anyway."

"So you saying since y'all broke up you wouldn't care about him seeing other females." She asked .

"Oh nah." I laughed . "I didn't say all that."

"I-okay." She laughed . "I'm not even gone judge cause I woulda said the same thing."

D'Aire start crying and I set the phone down grabbing his pacifier and picking him up .

"Then you still got his brother , y'all gone get back together soon as he get out."

"I'm serious , we don't really need to cause you see how something little led us to break up ? If we woulda took our time and not rushed into it we wouldn't be in this situation cause we woulda both knew each other better than to let something that small break us up." I said .

"You right . Just do what you gotta do to be happy friend."


Being single don't hit till the night time .

Somebody start calling and I just knew it was True . "Hold on this him." I rolled my eyes .

"Hello?" He spoke after the lady stopped talking .


"What D'Aire doing?"

"Laying here just looking." I said getting smart on the sly.

"Oh okay."

"Mhm , you coulda called one of yo friends cause I don't wanna talk so you wasted a phone call."

"I got another call after this , shut the fuck up . If you wanna argue just say that."

"Huh? Aw I thought a nigga that gotta bed time said something."

"Zayla don't play with me."

"I'm not." I shrugged.

"Yea okay , you still mines . You belong to me."

"Well you don't belong to me , you belong to the damn state and we not together so don't flatter yourself."

"Yes we is."

"Do you not understand what you did?"

"Ian do nothing , it was you."

"No , you let some nigga in there tell you what was going on with me . And you still ain't told me who it was. Something small shouldn't have broke us up cause if I wanted to cheat I woulda broke up with you then did me." I ranted . "We don't need to be together right now , we can be cordial cause I still have D'Aire and this has nothing to do with him plus we don't have bad blood but getting back together ain't the best choice right now."

"Zayla you-okay." He huffed .

"So you don't get what I'm saying?"

"I do but it's irrelevant."

"How ? You don't feel like we rushed into it?"

"Nope." He popped the 'p' .

"You must be used to 2 week trial relationships." I said getting irritated .

"No , it just don't take that long to actually be with somebody. The fuck we talking for ? We grown as fuck , either we together or we not."

"And in this case , we're not but what you said just made me wanna hang up on you cause you pissing me off."


"Yo mindset childish for no reason."

"How it's childish?"

"Figure it out Da'Jour , stop asking me and start thinking."

"No you said it so you tell me."

"No cause you broke up with me and expect me to come back running to you whenever you ready to be with me again and that's not how this work."

"I never said that's how this work , you assuming I just wanna get back with you for the fun of it or something . I realized what I did and how I shoulda approached the situation instead-"

"Again , if we didn't rush , none of this wouldn't have happened."

"We didn't rush , it was miscommunication, every relationship go through that." He responded .

"Da'Jour it's best if we just stay how we is , what is a title changing?"


"Exactly , nothing at all . We got time ."

"Okay Zayla if you wanna go fuck with other niggas just say that."

"I- okay bye cause everything I just said just went in one ear and out the other." I hung up. "You're brother is retarded." I smiled at D'Aire and he start smiling and kicking .

He was only 5 months but he acted like he was grown.

I don't know what's going on with True's case completely cause his murder case with D'Aire daddy is ongoing but they don't have no evidence on him so it's probably gonna he closed .

They tried to pin his mama disappearance on him but they can't do it for real cause , she just gone . Nobody know she's dead yet .

I wanted to be here for him while he going through all this but he makes it hard . Coming at me with accusations that I think he just make up in his head .

I was still gone be around but a relationship ain't the best choice for us right now.


Im still on this online school but , he boring asf .

Ima update again later , I'm so happy I got my account back🥰🥰🥰.

Excuse any mistakes .

Excuse any mistakes

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