Chapter 2

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Virat's POV :~

My alarm rang. I groaned and wake up to stop it. I saw time in phone. It was 7.30.

Okay Virat you still have one hour to sleep and if you can get ready in 20 minutes you still fucking one and half hour. I told to myself and went back to sleep again. I covered my face with duvet and enjoyed my beauty sleep.

~After 2 hours~

My phone rang, I am still in the middle of my sleep. I pick up the call with watching caller ID.

"Hello.." I groaned, my eyes were too heavy to open it.

"Don't tell me you are sleeping!!" Rohit said on other of phone. I looked at watch again. 9.30 AM

Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!
Oh God!!!

"No no I am in shower!" I lied, woke from bed with jerk and went into bathroom.

"Lier!" He said, irritation was clear in his voice. "I want you here with in 30 minutes!"Rohit said rather ordered.

"Yeah! Yeah! I am on my way!" I lied again. I cut the call and took quite shower.

This is what happens when you spend almost whole night with your girlfriend! My rational mind cursed me.

I so hate you Tamanna! I screamed in my head. If she had let me go after our dinner, I would have slept on time on and woke up time. But Her being her! How can she let me go!!!

I got out from shower and packed my stuff which was unpacked. Rohit was calling again.
Oh god! He got no chill! If I  pick this call up I will be extra late.

I was ready with all my stuff and was about to get out from my room, I heard Siya.

Okay Virat! You aren't only one who is late! I smiled in my mind.

"This is what happened when you keep reading book till midnight Siya!!!" She told to herself, irritation was clearly in her voice as she struggling with her bag, one of her bag she was holding fell on floor.

"OH GOD!! UGH" She screamed, looking up, kicked her leg on floor in irritation. She pick up her bag at that time our eyes met.

Those eyes! My heart said.
Virat!! My mind. I quickly broke eyes contact and made my way to reception. She was behind my all the time.

As I reached at reception there was another call.

Ro! I decided no to pick up, receptionist was following check out procedure.

"I told you to book cab for me. Did you book it!?" Siya asked receptionist. She was looking bit of calm at that time.

"Actually ma'am we forget to tell you that, there isn't any cab available. We are so sorry!" Receptionist said in apologetic voice.

"What!!" Siya screamed again, "How irresponsible! Can't you inform me earlier!" She yelled at receptionist. Out of Nowhere I burst out laughing.

Wrong move Virat!

"What?" She attacked on me.

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