Chapter 20

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Sun light made its way to my face, I closeed my eyes tighter to prevent the sun light but I failed. I woke up only to find out I'm in Siya's room and, she had not returned to hotel yet.

I tried to call her, but her phone was switched off.

I freshened up and got out of the room and found our Manager Ajay going to the team he was gone with Siya and Pooja to the hospital,  and if he is here why is not Siya here??

I walked to him as we got into team room. He took sit with Ro and Mahi Bhai. I joined them with my breakfast.

"How's Harry?" I asked to Ajay.

"I don't know what to say but his report came out in the morning, Pooja studied his report." He said with disappointment.

"And??" Mahi Bhai asked further. We are here for breakfast and non of us are able to gulped food down to our throat.

"Harry won't able to play cricket for next six months. And unfortunately he won't be able to bowl for a year." He said looking down. "Pooja's disappointment was right in her place but She shouldn't blame Siya, injury can happen to anyone." He added.

"And we all know how involved Siya is with each and every player, how much care she takes of all us. Pooja just freaked out." Ro said.

"She was frustrated, worried about Harry." Mahi Bhai said.

"We will Visit him before practice, in visiting hours." I said to them. They nodded at me.


We all made way to Harry's room, ladies also decided to join us.

We entered Harry's room, He was resting. He passed us a smile as he saw all of us, he seemed fine at that time, I hope he really is.

"How are you champ??" Mahi Bhai asked taking sit beside him, Harry passed smiled, it didn't reach his smile.

"Not so good, but will fine I know" He said with lot of belief.

"Ofcourse you will be, no doubt about that" I said to him, I scanned the Siya wasn't here. We all talk with for sometime.

At that time Siya entered the room, She looked tired, little bit lost. Unknown expression covered her face as she saw all of us. She passed a weak smile to us, she looked different, Siya looked like Siya who just entered ICT six months ago, lost, confused, tired.

We looked at each other, and kept looking at each other as if we are trying to convey something.

I didn't mean what I said Siya.

And she kept her gaze on me.

I know she knows, she will look into my eyes she knows what I means, we communicate a lot but we don't need any conversation to understand each other. We got each other like no one gets us, but still I want to make sure things between us stays more clear, I want to talk to her but this not right time not right place.

"Sorry Coach" Harry said as he saw Siya, her eyes looked at him with a second he said that, it feels like first someone recognised her today.

"Siya asked you to not to play yesterday match?" Pooja asked him, it was almost whispered.

"She asked me?? She literally begged me, ordered me. She did everything she could do to stop me, she was going to tell Mahi bhai, but I stopped her and then we got into argument....I said I will play I know my body better than anyone...I didn't listen to her and here we are." Harry said.

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