Chapter 4

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~1 week leter~

Virat's POV:~

I was sitting in my room, going through my phone. I had just finished my gym. I was sipping my black coffee. Tamanna was sitting outside in balcony, doing something on her laptop.

Since she came here she was asking me same question. What's wrong with me?
And to be honest I don't know what is wrong with me. I just didn't feel any kind of feeling for her now. Maybe I never felt. I didn't know what to do. But I have decided that I am surely gonna talk her about it. But I was waiting for right time.

Talking about my relationship with Siya. I could say that we are good friends now. Aside the fact that we didn't talk to each other but at least we didn't fight with each other. We delivered smile to each other in practice session or in gym.
But one thing I have noticed that Siya was observer. She could sense what was going on your by just looking at you, maybe it was because she is psychiatrist.

I heard knock on my door, it was open so before I could open it. Ro came in. He was looking so excited.

"Chal we are going to near by cafe" He said with smile, then he looked at Tamanna.
She has wired expressions on her face, I could say by her face she didn't like how Ro came in my room. But I didn't care about what she likes or not. He is brother and can come in my room whenever he wants. If anyone have problem about it they can leave my room.

"Tamanna let's go!" He said to her, she smiled faked.

"Let me change we will go after 10 minutes." I said to him.

"Don't you dare to be late Ohk?" He said and left my room.

"Oh God, you're friends are so crazy Virat how could he come in our room like that?" She complained after he left,"And I am not going anywhere." She added.

"He is my brother, he can come in my room wherever he wants without even knocking. I do the same when I go to his room. And I am going out with them, come if you want." I said to her in cold voice. She gave me another reason to think about my relationship with her. I went into bathroom and changed in my blue jeans and white hoodie. As I came out I saw her all ready.

"Let's go" she said with smile, wrapped her hands around my arm.

How suddenly she change her mood, advantage of being actress!

We went into lobby, and saw Rohit and Ritika, Mahi bhai and bhabi, Ajinkya and Radhika were waiting for us.

"Should we go now?" I asked as we were close to them.

"Nah, Siya is coming too" Ritika said to me, with smirked.

"Ohk" I said as Siya came.

We went out of the hotel. Cafe Ro was taking about was near by hotel so we decided to take a walk to it, instead of taking cab. Everyone was walking with there partner, standing at some shops in between, cracking jokes now and then. We were just one street away from when I had a call on my phone at that time, so I told them to go, I was coming after finishing call. As I finished a call and going towards cafe when I saw Siya was trying to cross road.

She took one step further and then took two steps behind. She was looking tensed, clutching her oversized t-shirt out of fear. I walked to her and stand with her, she looked at me. First time I saw fear in her eyes. She might have fear of crossing road. I just tried to walk by her side, so she could cross road with me. At that time she was looking like an 5 year old girl who was trying to cross road.

As we crossed road, cafe was just 10 steps away. I was walking before her, she was behind me.

"Virat" She called me, behind my back. I turned around.
"Thank you" She said, smiled. Her voice was so soft at that time, she was sounding so genuine. I smiled back at her.

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