Chapter 10

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Virat's POV:~

We were on our way to airport, finally after 2 months of tour we were going to India back. Some much things have changed in this 2 months. I broke up with Tamanna, we won ODI and test series in England, And I met Siya, She has become one of my closest friend. Even Right now she was sitting with me in team bus, on our way to Airport. She was talking on her phone.

"Hello Mr.Singh" She greeted someone on other side of the call.

"So Did you find home for me?" She asked.

"Whattt?" She exclaimed in horror.

"Oh my God! Mr.Singh I had tell you to find home for before I left for Mumbai and you haven't found house for me?" She said in tension, she rubbed her forehead in tension.

"What sorry? I am reminding you every day, and you are telling you forget? Like seriously Mr.Singh! You are so irresponsible!" She yelled at him, her anger is dangerous.

"Now where am I going to live haan? At your place?" She said, she was looking so annoyed by all this.

"Hotel? Mr.Singh I am living in hotel from last 3 months!" I am so right when I call her angry bird she didn't even give chance to others to explain themselves.

"And you promised me that you will take house for me on rent right? I have paid to you for that in advance!" I chuckled at her little, she looked cute while fighting.

"What?" She glared at me.

"Nothing" I tried to control my laughter.

"I don't know about anything else I want my house in 3 days." She ordered and cut the call. She was looking furious at that time.

"Any problem?" I asked her after sometime, Ofcourse I can't ask her immediately. She will eat me up.

"My broker hasn't found house for me, I have told him from last 4 months Virat!" She said, she was looking really tensed.

"You can live with me!" I offered her, she looked at me with shocked, blinked her eyes twice.

"I am not Kidding" I said to her again.

"No No Virat will live in hotel." She said this time with smile.

"When your friend lives in same city why you have to live in hotel?" I said to her, she didn't know what to say.

"B-But It will become awkward Virat. Your family won't feel comfortable with me and trust me I am fine in hotel" She said, assuring me.

"My family will love to have you, and special Maa, She is so excited to meet you" You shouldn't have said last sentence Virat. Yeah I have talked about everything to Maa what happened between me and her. From our fights to our friendship. Maa also thought I have feeling for Siya. But it's not true.


Okay I could say that I am attracted to her, but it's just attraction nothing more. We have quite same qualities which attracted me to her.

"Aunty knows me?" Siya asked looking surprised.

"Yes, I told her about you the day we fought." I told you, she giggled little and then said.

"Aunty must have bad impression of me then" She said with smile.

"Nah nah, even at that she defended you, she was like 'you have done something wrong to her' " I said with smile.

"Acha" She said, nodding at me.

"Yes, and my family is not that big, Me, Maa and Rekha Aunty. Just three of us" I told her, she nodded at me.

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