Chapter 7

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Virat's POV:~

Days went by so fast. We were done with ODI series and T20 series, We won ODI series with 2-1. T20 series was draw as decider was washed off due to rain. Now, we are only left with one test against England, which is in two days.

After having dinner, I decided to take a walk. I was going out of room and in lobby I saw Siya, she was looking into her phone and walking to her room. After that She looked at my direction. She smiled and said.

"Had dinner?"

"Yeah I had dinner early as I want to go for walk" I replied.

"Good." She said.

"You had your dinner?" I asked, she nodded and replied.

"Yeah I just had it" She said.

"Wanna join me in walk?" I asked her.

"Yeah okay, let's go" She said casually.

We stepped out of the hotel and came on street, there wasn't much people right now as it was really late. It was cold outside, Siya was rubbing her hands now and then.

"English summer isn't summer" She said, I chuckled at her line.

"No yaar really, look my hands are so cold." She said, gave me her hands. It was really cold.

"Hold mine they are warm." I said, she looked at me like I was kidding.

"No I am serious" I said to her, she hold my hand. We hold each other's hands and started walking.

"Your hands are really warm" She said.

"Told you" I smirked.
"So Siya tell me about yourself?" I asked her to continue our conversation.

"Mh..I am Siya, 24 years old, I am currently working in Indian team as strength and conditioning coach, I am psychologist too, I worked at Delhi's AIIMS as psychologist for 3 years." She finished saying, I smiled at little looking at her.

"I didn't know I am taking your interview" I said, she laughed with me.

"Aree you asked me 'tell me about yourself' so it felt like interview questions.." She said still smiling. We walked into near by garden and sat on bench.

"So you lived in dehli for three years?" I asked her.

"Yesss" She dragged 's' as she replied.

"How did my city treat you?" I asked her.

"Good, aside the fact that you have to run home before it's get dark otherwise you will not feel safe in public transport" She said.

"Are you still living in dehli?" I asked her.

"No I am thinking to moving to Mumbai" She informed me.

"Great, I am also moving to Mumbai with my family. My work is only totally in Mumbai and I have to travel for it, more often so" I said to her. She nodded.

I looked at our hands we are still holding each other's hands, I didn't realise it until I saw our hands, It felt so comfortable with her, she was looking comfortable too.

She was looking up to sky, relaxing in bench as much as she could. It was silence, we didn't speak a word for next couple of minutes but still silence didn't feel awkward, it felt so peaceful with her, and I could say by her eyes she was enjoying this peace.

"Virat!" She screamed all of sudden, pointing towards sky. "Look, shooting star" She said like 5 year old girl.
"Make a wish"

But before we could make a wish, star disappeared in eternal sky.

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