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Dear Virat,

We are here again with each other, we found a way back to each other.

If anyone asks me when is the exact moment I was in love with you, I don't know the answer, from the day we met I fellen in love with you with every second, day when ball hit on my forehead, and you scold me for sitting near to where you all were fielding, you scold me for being careless, you came with ice bag that day, and that was first time there was someone to take care of me.

I am so talkative, I love to talk, and being a psychologist it's my job to listen people, however, the day when we went for a walk, it was first time I felt heard, I felt understood.

On our birthday, you remember more about it as my birthday, I felt special, I felt loved, so you see there are so many moments I fell in love with you little bit more.

It is not only what you did for me that made me love you, but what you are. What you are as human, as a kid, as a friend, as a cricketer. You are so incredible in whatever you do, because you do it with so much passion and dedication. You give it all in what you do. I'm proud of you doing your best. I support you. I'm with you.

That's reason I call you as my strength, because watching you do all this incredible things I get hope of doing what I can't do. You are my motivation, my courage, my strength, my hope.

I'm so grateful to have you. Before you I never had fear. I'm being so honest here.

Because I have nothing and no one to lose, Yes My biggest fear is losing you. I'm so glad, You have so many people admiring you, loving you. And I am one of them. For you I'm one of those who loves you, For me you are the only one who loves me.

The world is so big as they say,

But My world begins with You.

And My world ends, at you.


I looked at her, sleeping peacefully in my arms, her love for me is so pure, I know by every little action of her she is in love with me, how attentive when she is listening to me, how close she is to my mother, she likes to take care of everything that is important to me, this woman loves me, and I am going to do anything to make her proud, to make her life better.

I looked at her forehead, it will never happen again Siya.

And I will do anything to make sure of that.

Mahi Bhai said we will bring our best performance in the T20 World cup, I'm making his statement more clear, we are gonna win this world cup.

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