Chapter 3

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After dinner we all are in team room. At that time everyone was busy talking with their families. I was on call with Maa. She was asking how am I and all those regular questions which every Indian mother ask.

"Acha to ab tu aaram karle main phone rakhti hu" She said and ended call. I was walking up to Mahi bhai at that time my eyes landed on Siya. She was sitting alone going through her phone. She looked bit of sad at that time.

Why are worried about her? I scold myself.

Mahi bhai and everyone was sitting there having random talks.

"Siya why are sitting alone come here!" Bhabi said, she smiled (which wasn't reaching her eyes) and come towards us and sat with Ritika.

"So pooja and Siya you both are new in ICT family but don't feel any kind of awkwardness in approaching anyone. You both are part of family now" Mahi bhai said, Both of them smiled at him.

"So Siya where are you from?" Ritika asked, and at the last gave smile to me.

What is she up to?

"I am from Dharamsala." She informed.

"What a beautiful city it is!" Sakshi bhabi said. Siya nodded at her.

"And what about you pooja?" Ritika asked.

"I am from Mumbai" she said.

Conversation went on. I noticed Siya was silent all the time maybe she was an introvert.

But why the hell I am paying so much attention on her?

I cleared my thoughts. I am already in relationship I can't think about other girl like this. I looked at her again this time I found her staring at me. She immediately looked away.

Eye contacts!

They hit different. I managed my thoughts and woke up from my seat.

"Kaha bhai?" Rohit asked.

"I want some rest.." I said to him and he nodded at my words.

"I think we should go..tomorrow we have practice sessions." Mahi bhai said and everyone went to their respective rooms.

As I entered the room, I thought of calling Tamanna. She didn't pick up my call.

I was too tired to call her again so decided to went to sleep.


I woke up by the call on my phone. I saw the caller ID. Tamanna.

"Hello baby" She said on other side of call.

"Hey" I said with yawn.

"Why didn't you call me yesterday?" She complained.

Here we go, again!

"I called you but you didn't pick up" I said my voice was still sleepy.

"You called me only one time, can't you call me again?" She said in anger.
"Or it always has to be me who calls first. Virat we both are in relationship. My efforts aren't enough. You have to do something for us" She went on, I just hummed in response.

At beginning of day, how can someone have this type of energy to argue.

"Are you even listening to me?" She said finally.

"Yeah yeah Ofcourse I am listening" I lied.

"By the way I am coming to London today." She said. It was enough for me to woke from bad.

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