Chapter 11

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~after 2 days~

Virat's POV:~

"Yeah Yeah I am ready, see you after breakfast." I said to Jay. I was going to Dehli for an event and for a business meeting too.

"Yeah see you in 20 minutes" He replied, I cut the call, looked at myself in mirror. I was wearing casual clothes, and after that walked up to downstairs. I saw Maa preparing table while Rekha Aunty was making breakfast.

"Good Morning Maa!" I said, took my seat. I was really in rush.

"Good Morning Beta!" She greeted me back, "Siya ko bhi bula na tha na" She added, when she didn't see Siya on dinning table.

"I didn't know she isn't here." I told her, she was about to call Siya from upstairs.

"Good Morning Suru Aunty!" She greeted Maa, coming downstairs. She hugged maa from behind and kissed her cheeks.

"Good Morning Siya!" Maa kissed her forehead, "How's your headache?" Maa asked her, she had this terrible headache after coming back from England. It because of she wasn't used to of travel.

"It's gone, don't worry but Aunty." She stopped, touching her forehead. "Your head is hot, you have fever" She said, examined maa by touch.

"It's nothing beta, it's normal temperature." Maa said, I stood up from my seat and examined her temperature.

"Maa, it is not normal temperature, your body is burning hot." I said to her, she nodded her head in back and forth denied what I just said.

"Virat Take her into room, I will call the doctor." Siya said, not listening to Maa.

"Yeah." I said and took Maa into her room, she was weak, her body is aching too. As she laid on bed, Siya and Rekha Aunty came in to the room.
Siya tried to count pulses, she gave disappointing look to Maa and then turned to me.

"She hasn't took her HBP medicine last night" She said and then looked at to Maa. "Right?" She asked, Maa nodded in Yes.

"Maa didn't i remind you to take medicine after dinner?" I asked her with disappointment.

"Aree I forgot, it's not a big deal." She said, trying calm down us.

"Now,i see if you have taken your medicine or not." I said to her, she surrounded herself. Siya gave her medicine, while Rekha aunty passed water.

Doctor came and examined Maa, He said it's not serious but She needed to take her medicine on time and needed proper bedrest for some days.

As doctor left, we were sitting in Maa's room at that time my phone rang. I knew it was Jay.

"Hey Virat, I am here." He said as soon as I picked up the call.

"Mh..Jay can we cancel today's meeting?" I whispered yet gained attention from all three ladies. 

"What??  we can't Virat, I can reschedule your meeting but You have to attend the event." He literally screamed, this man behaved like woman sometimes.

"But Maa is not well.." I cut in middle by her.

"Who said I am not well I am doing well, doctor just said that I will fine." She said in high tone. "Virat you should go, I haven't taught to take a back from your commitment." She said rather order. I didn't know what to say.

"But Maa.." I started to say, but Siya interpreted me, put her hand on my shoulder.

"Don't worry, I am here, rekha aunty is here. We will take care of aunty." She said assuringly.

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