Chapter 13

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I am not sure whatever I am doing is right or wrong, but it is definitely crazy or maybe weird I don't know but I came all the way from Mumbai to Dharmashala just because I was missing that stupid face. I was missing that annoying aura, that different different looks she would give me when I annoyed her. I missed the energy of her, her clumsyness, her books, that old songs, that vintage vibe and above all miss the person to whom all these things belong... it's harder to accept and even harder to admit but I Miss Siya.

I got out of the airport with my belongings, I don't know what she would think why I came here, without even telling her, she would be surprised?? Or she will be happy to see me?? Ahh I don't know.
The first thing I want to do right now is to reach where Siya is. Her orphanage, I know the address but obviously I don't know the way to go there. I asked Jay to manage all this and he did. He booked a cab for me. As soon as I got out of the airport I received the call from Jay.

"Hello" He said on the other side of the phone.
"Hey, I am here at the airport, My cab? Is it here??" I asked him.

"Yeah He is here..." Before he could finish his words, a guy came up to me.

"Akshay Your driver sir" He said to me with a smile.

"Yeah it is Akshay" Jay said as he heard it.

"Okay, call me if it's needed" I said to Jay, as Akshay took my bag from me.

I followed Akshay where the cab was, I got into the cab while Akshay was about to start the car, I heard a knock on my cab's  window. I was taken back. There was someone kneeling down the window, wearing black shades, with a leather jacket. And helmet too. She was a girl. With a mischievous smile on her face. And ladies and gentlemen To my surprise It was my Siya.

How can you not smile back to this beautiful human? And I did. I got out of the car and as soon as I got out she englufed me in bear hug.

"Kohliiiiiiii" She screamed in my ears out of excitement. And how can you not respond this beautiful surprise with similar affection. I hugged her more tightly.

But one second I was the one who was going to give her surprise right??? How on earth does she know I am here?? How did she come here to surprise me??

"Jyada stress mat de upne ish chote se dimag ko, Aunty told me that you are coming here" She said coming out from hug.

"Sometimes I wonder, wo meri maa hai ke Teri" I said, she laughed at me.

"She loves me more" I smile at her unknowingly. How I miss this beautiful laughter.

It has been only 24 hours Virat. My mind reminded me. But I missed her and I am not going to ignore that fact. My heart defended me.

"Come back to reality Kohli" Siya said with an annoying face and spank my head.

"Chal ab chale?" She asked me, I was getting in the car again.

"Not in cab!" She held my hand and started running.

"But where are we going Siya?" I asked her.

"Bhaiya aap saman leke aao" She instructed Akshay, while running away with me.

"Just keep quiet" She said and kept running.

"Taaaa-Daaa" Siya said with all excitement, while presenting her bullet bike to me. It was gorgeous.

"Give me the keyyyyy" I screamed in joy. I love riding the bike and I don't where was the last time I rode one.

"Naah" She denied and sat on the bullet. "I'm driving, let go now" She instructed me with her actions too.

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