Chapter 27

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Siya looked confused, unaware of our purpose for being here and oblivious to my presence. She was wearing my hoodie, which looked amazing on her. I loved how she enjoyed wearing my clothes and how she instinctively put her hands in the hoodie's pocket, just as I had hoped.

To her surprise, Siya found a small note inside the pocket and pulled it out. As she read the note, a smile spread across her face. I had left that note, guiding her to our destination. I wanted her to discover it on her own because no one knew Dharamshala better than her.

"The place where mountains stay, and we stop,"

The note read.

I could tell she recognized the place by the quickness in her step. I followed her, making sure I reached the destination before her.

Finally, she arrived, captivated by the beautiful house nestled amidst the mountains and surrounded by lush greenery. Standing in the yard, she was mesmerized by the view. I had already entered the house and made my way to the balcony. When she noticed me, her smile widened, and her eyes sparkled. She rushed into the house, eager to reach me. But I knew her pace would slow as soon as she entered the room, so I walked there before her.

Just as I expected, her steps slowed as she entered the room. For her, the sight inside was even more beautiful than the surrounding

a room filled with books

the she always wanted.

"OH MY GOD!" she exclaimed, surprised. She glanced around, taking in every corner of the room. "THIS CAN'T BE TRUE!" she laughed joyfully.

"Kohli, can you stop fulfilling my every wish?" Siya ran into my arms, still smiling brightly.

"Naah," I replied, kissing her hair. "I love doing that." Siya chuckled.

"When did you start doing all of this? And why are we in this house?" she asked, her attention shifting to the books, her true love.

"Well, I started as soon as you mentioned it, and this house is now ours. We needed a home in your beloved city," I explained. Siya sighed and nodded, swaying her head back and forth.

"You are unbelievable," she remarked, flipping through the books. "Well, now I'm going to read this one!" Her excitement was evident.

"I can read it to you," I offered.

"Sure," she grinned. We sat closely together on the couch.

Two hours later, we were engrossed in the middle of the book.

"I wonder how he fell in love with her," the female lead in the book said.

"Even I wonder," Siya interrupted, stopping me. "How did you fall in love with me?"

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"Because Sanjana was right. Virat Kohli dating Siya isn't a normal thing. It was hard for me to believe. I used to wonder what it was about me that made you fall in love with me," Siya confessed. I sighed, taking her hand and kissing it.

"I know you never complained about it, Virat, but I know I can be unbearable sometimes—my anger, my stubborn behavior, my incessant talking... I must tire you out at times, right?" Siya chuckled.

"Naah, I never get tired of you," I reassured her, gently tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. I cupped her face in my hands. "I love you for who you are, and I love every part of you, whether it's negative or positive."

Siya smiled, and her beautiful eyes lit up. "You are every form of love I've ever craved for."

As she spoke those words, she leaned in and kissed me passionately. After some time, we walked hand in hand to our garden.

"I think we should plant more flowers here. Sunflowers are so beautiful," Siya suggested, looking around.

"Okay, let's go get the plants," I agreed, feeling grateful to have her by my side.

"Oh my God, Virat, my stomach is aching! I can't stop laughing," Siya exclaimed, her laughter echoing through the backyard.

"No, wait, I have one more," I said, watching her hold her face while still laughing.

"Please, stop," she managed to say between fits of laughter.

We were by the pool in the backyard of our house, cracking jokes about the most random things and adding a touch of playfulness to make them even dirtier.

"And I'm done with this joke session. I'm going out now," Siya declared, starting to walk away. I reached out and grabbed her wet wrist.

"Arey, ruk na," I said, pulling her closer to me.

"You know what, I'm so sleepy. Can we continue this romance session tomorrow?" she yawned.

"I can turn this sleepyhead wide awake," I said mischievously, running my hands through her wet body submerged in the water. Siya wrapped one of her hands behind my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.

"Don't turn me on," she fake cried, loosening her grip on me but still holding my hand. I seized the opportunity and pulled her even closer than before.

I placed one hand around her waist while my other hand eagerly explored her face. It was a challenge for her to keep her eyes open. I gently pushed a strand of her wet hair behind her ear, noticing her hair was tied up in a bun. I ran my fingers through her hair, and she snuggled into me even more.

My hand, which was on her waist, ventured down to her thighs, causing a moan to escape her lips. Throughout it all, her eyes remained closed, and the water droplets on her face only made her more alluring. I wiped them aside, focusing on her face. She played with my hair, and I held her even closer to me. She took a deep breath, and I kissed every part of her face except her lips. This was the moment when Siya would always give in, and I loved teasing her like this. I lightly kissed the corner of her lips, and she didn't move, waiting for my next move. In order to prolong the tease, I didn't move either. We were already on the edge of the pool, with her back against the wall. Siya took matters into her own hands and wrapped both of her legs around me, her lips crashing against mine. I lifted her up in the water, and she wrapped her legs around my waist, kissing me passionately.

As our lips remained locked, I moved my kisses to her neck, causing her to moan softly. We didn't stop kissing each other, our hands exploring each other's bodies.

"I think we should continue this in the room," she finally said, breathless.

"Are you sure?" I asked, seeking confirmation. She responded by kissing me again, with a passion that left no doubt.

At that moment, I knew we couldn't wait any longer. Our desires were consuming us, and the intensity of our connection demanded to be explored further.

She was sleeping peacefully and I could stop admiring her beauty right now, she is perfect in all the way a human could be perfect.

I kissed her forehead, and didn't realise when I fell asleep.

Author's Note.

Hey beautiful readers!
How you find this chapter??
I hope you liked it.

I have good news for you all.

I have started another book.


I have already aesthetic and playlist with 2 chapter please check it out and drop you comments and votes!

Lots of love 💕
Sneha 🤍

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