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Stiles swam into a kelp forest, hoping and praying to the sea gods that no one saw him. His breathing uneven; he held his bleeding arm from the cut that one of the hunters caused him.

" I think I saw him swim over there " Stiles froze, his eyes widening in fear. He moved his head a bit to look through the kelp and saw two men with spears in their hands and one of the local mermen.

His hands were bound in front of him and he was covered in cuts and bruises. Stiles guessed that he was the one that talked since humans cant speak underwater. The men nodded before one of them went in the opposite direction of Stiles.

Stiles sighed a bit in relief and moved back slowly trying to hide himself more.

The good part was that his tail could camouflage with anything. Suddenly, something sharp went zoomed past him cutting his cheek. He hissed in pain looking up to see one of the men smirking down at him.

Stiles gasped before swimming out of the kelp knowing that if he stayed his tail would've gotten tangled and he would be trapped.

He heard someone swimming behind him, he turned his head just a little and saw the same guy chasing after him.

His heart was beating against his chest rapidly and he was starting to get tired.

He turned his head back around just as his body collided with someone else. Arms gripped him tight and something sharp was placed right at his neck, pushing into his skin slightly making him wince.

He opened his eyes, not realizing he had closed them, to see the man that was chasing him looking at someone behind him. If he turned his head then what he thought was a knife would cut him and he'd die.

He felt the person behind him nod, then the other one nodded as well his light brown curly hair moving in front of his face as he did so before swimming away leaving Stiles with a knife pressed against his throat.

" P-please, d-don't hurt me " Stiles whimpered, feeling the knife push deeper into his throat. He took it as a sign to be quiet so he closed his mouth and tried not to breath to deeply or else the knife would kill him.

The man, Stiles guessed it was a man from his strength and muscular form, kicked his tail probably wanting him to swim. He started swimming up, guessing that's where the man wanted to go, and he felt the man moving his legs as they grazed his tail every time he moved them forward.

When they broke surface the man took in a deep breathe not letting Stiles.

Pulling the knife away from his throat, Derek watched as the creature took in a deep breathe sighing a bit before turning around in his arms. Derek had to suppress a gasp as he looked at the creature. He looked into his wide doe whiskey eyes that were full of fear.

His eyes went from the moles scattered on his ace to his pink plump lips that were trembling. Then he noticed the deep cut on his cheek and the slash on his upper arm. Looking back into the boys eyes he saw curiosity swimming in them, as he turned his head slightly to the side.

Derek frowned, and watched as the curiosity in his eyes left and was replaced with fear once again. " Are y-you going t-to k-ill me? " Stiles whispered, lowering his head as tears threatened to escape from his eyes. Derek just looked at him before opening his mouth to speak.

" No " he said, making Stiles' head shoot up just as a tear fell from his cheek and into the water. " W-what? " Stiles asked trying to bet out of Derek's grip only making Derek hold him tighter. " I said no " Derek said loosing his grip a bit as he noticed that his hand was on the nasty gash on Stiles' arm.

" Why? " Derek sighed frustrated before letting go of Stiles and pushing him away. " Get out of here before I change my mind " Derek said through gritted teeth.

Without thinking twice Stiles dove under the water only looking back at Derek's figure once before swimming towards his fathers castle.


Was it good? Took me a while to try and write that.

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