Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

" Derek? " Stiles whispered after a few minutes of silence.

" Yeah? " Derek says running his fingers through Stiles' hair.

" You know I have to go home right? " Derek doesn't say anything for a while, just continues to run his fingers through Stiles' hair and he sighs after five minutes have passed.

" Yeah, I know. " Stiles doesn't say anything, just moves closer to Derek, throwing his leg over Derek's and sighing.

He falls asleep a while later.

Derek stays awake for an hour after Stiles fell asleep just thinking about how on earth he is going to be able to let Stiles go.

Finally his eyes start to droop and sleep overcomes him.


" I'll miss you Stiles. " Derek was trying hard not to cry.

He was trying so damn hard.

Stiles smiled at him sadly and hugged him tightly.

They were standing at the edge of the docks, the sun still had not risen up but the sky was a light blue.

" I'll come back, I promise. " Stiles said, his head in the crook of Derek's neck.

" I know, but I'll still miss you. " Derek sniffled a little but still he didn't cry.

Stiles leaned in and pressed his lips against Derek's, kissing him deeply.

Derek's arms tightened around Stiles' waist as he kissed him with all the emotion he could muster.

After a while, they pulled away.

" I'll be back before you know it. " Derek nodded and kissed Stiles one more time, then, reluctantly, let him go.

Stiles smiled at him before stripping down to nothing and dived into the ocean.

Derek let one tear slip out before wiping it away.

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