Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

"How is that possible?" Isaac asked referring to Stiles having legs.

"Apparently it is but don't ask me how because I don't how." Isaac just nodded and sat down on the floor next to Stiles, staring at him.

Derek sat down next to him and grabbed Stiles' hand in his placing a soft kiss on it.

"Der?" Stiles sounded scared. Derek looked at him and saw he was trying to get away from Isaac.

"Hey it's okay Stiles calm down. " Derek climbed onto the bed with Stiles and pulled him close.

"He....he was the one.... he was one of them." Stiles whispered, Derek looked at him confused.

"He was one of the one's that attacked me the night before you found me injured." Stiles said a little louder this time. He glanced at Isaac and scooted closer to Derek.

"A-and h-he almost k-killed me m-more than a year ago, he would have i-if I hadn't swam into y-you." Stiles hid his face in Derek's neck hugging him.

"Please don't let him hurt me again Derek, please." 


"It's okay Stiles, Isaac wont hurt you." Derek held him close, comforting the poor scared boy. "Promise? " Derek nodded, " Promise."


" I am bored Derek." Stiles stated hanging off the bed upside down. "And I am getting dizzy." He straightened himself on the bed and held his head pouting. "Play with me Derek, please!" Derek turned in his desk chair to look at Stiles.

He was signing off documents that needed to be turned into his uncle today but Stiles looked so darn cute when he was pouting. Derek patted his lap gesturing for Stiles to come and sit. Happily, Stiles jumped off the bed and plopped down onto Derek's lap when he reached him.

" I missed you Derek." Stiles said while pressing his face into Derek's neck. Derek smiled and wrapped his arms tightly around Stiles holding him close, not intending to let him go anytime soon.

" I missed you too Stiles, so much."


Scott was worried. Again. He had been waiting for Stiles at least half a mile form the dock. Stiles told him he'd be back in a bit but its been 5 hours and yes, like the loyal and loving best friend he is, he waited for Stiles' return.

 Stiles told him he'd be back in a bit but its been 5 hours and yes, like the loyal and loving best friend he is, he waited for Stiles' return

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When it got to a point where he was about to rip his hair out he swam towards the dock to see pale feet dangling from it. He figured it was Stiles since he is pretty pale.

Swimming up to the feet he grabbed Stiles' ankles and yanked on them, giggling when the person let out a sound of surprise. He moved from under the dock and popped his head out of the water grinning up at Stiles.

His disappeared when he saw it wasn't Stiles. Instead it was a young looking man with curly blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Scott was terrified. Stiles said Derek was good, but what about everybody else?

He started to back up, ready to swim away as fast as possible. But before he could he felt a sharp pain in his back and the blonde-haired boys eyes grew wide. He looked behind Scott and saw a hunter on a canoe with another arrow ready to fire.

"NO!" Isaac yelled as the hunter let the arrow fire away. This time it hit Scott's shoulder. The blue water started to fill with red as Scott howled in pain, pulling out the arrows. The hunter rowed away, satisfied with his work. Isaac jumped into the water and held Scott up before he sank to the bottom.

"Fxck." Isaac cursed under his breath, pulling Scott up a bit more and putting pressure on the wound in his back.

"God Dammit!" Moving towards the shore with one arm, he dragged Scott onto the sand still trying to put pressure on his wound.

He looked around and saw no one. "Fxck fxck fxckity fxck fxck!" Removing his shirt he tied it on Scott's bleeding shoulder. He was unconscious for now, though his breathing was shallow.


I know it's short but  please don't worry next chapter will be longer! 


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