Chapter 28

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Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 28


"It's going to be alright Erica, Boyd is going to be okay, they're all going to be okay. "

"I don't know Boyd much but he is strong and smart, he'll be okay and when everything is over you'll both be together and happy. " Erica nodded and smiled at Stiles with red watery eyes and tear stained cheeks.

She leaned forward and kissed his cheek, "Thank you Stiles."

"You're welcome."


"Peter is on his way to Stiles, we have to get there before him, the jet skis are still here, let's go."

They both nodded.

Breaking the surface once again Derek swam towards one of the jet skis be hopped on.

He waited till Boyd and Allison were on their own before started up the jet ski.

"Let's go save my Stiles."

And with that, they were off.


"We can't let him get there before us! You saw what he did to Stiles before, and he'll do it again, but worse. " Derek yelled over the loud sound of the jet ski hitting against the water.

Derek growled in anger. He glared at Peter's ship and pushed to jet ski to go to its maximum speed.

Boyd and Allison did the same.

They were gaining on Peter, almost right next to them when one of Peters men leaned over the ship with a gun.

He started firing shots at the three of them.

The bullets skimmed passed them, going into the water.

Allison had to swerve away from one; it nearly hit her head.

Derek glanced back at her to make sure she was okay.

She nodded, showing she was fine.

Derek nodded back then turned his attention back to the man with the gun.

He kept firing shot after shot. When he ran out of bullets, he'd get handed another gun.

Just as Derek was about dodge one of the bullets another man leaned over the ship and shot at him.

I'm one quick motion a bullet landed right in his shoulder, making him loose control of the jet ski and fall in the water.


Peter arrived at the docks, rushing past his crew members.

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