Chapter 6

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Chapter 6
Mermaid AU!

" Scott! " John called, quickly, Scott rushed in. Everyone in the kingdom has been searching for Stiles their dear prince. They searched all day and hid at night, hoping that Stiles was safe where ever he was.

Scott and John looked the worst, they had dark bags under their eyes, they're pale, and getting thinner everyday since they refuse to eat properly until Stiles is back home and safe.

" Yes your highness? " Scott says, breathing heavily, he had returned from looking for Stiles just a few minutes ago since it had started to get dark.

" Any trace? " John asked hopefully, Scott looked down shaking his head sadly. John sighed frustrated and ran a hand down his face. Scott swam a bit closer to him noticing that the scales on his tail were starting to turn white and were falling off.

This was not good. 

The same thing had happened when his wife, dear queen Claudia, had died. Johns tail had turned completely white and he got sick, he had almost died but when he thought of how broken and more devastated Stiles would have been at losing both his parents he fought and eventually recovered.

Now it was starting to happen again; Stiles needed to be found and fast before John actually starts to get sick.

Scott put a hand on his shoulder and turned him around giving him a hug. " Don't worry, we'll find him I know we will, he has to be out there somewhere, maybe he just got lost he'll be found soon I know it! " A sob escaped both of them making their hold on each other tighter.

" We'll find him " Scott whispers.


" Derek! Oh god Derek! " Stiles yelled gasping.

Derek stops moving completely and looks at Stiles concerned. " What's wrong Stiles?! " He holds Stiles' face in his hands gently.

" Why does it hurt?! " he yells squirming under Derek. 

" My dick! It is hard and it hurts and i do not know why! " Stiles cries. 

He and Derek were just cuddling and taking when Stiles just started yelling and gasping out of nowhere.

Derek stays silent at first blushing then bursts out laughing rolling off of Stiles and onto the mattress.

Stiles huffs pouting, " What is so funny Derek? I am in pain and you are just laughing, why? " Stiles says crossing his arms over his chest glaring at Derek.

Derek stops laughing wiping a tear off his cheek and taking in a deep breath. " It's called a boner Stiles " Derek says looking at a confused Stiles. " A boner? Well then how do I get rid of it? Help me get rid of it Derek! I do not like it! It feels strange! " Stiles yells throwing himself on Derek.

Derek tries not to laugh coughing to try and cover the chuckle that had escaped his lips.

" I'll help you Stiles don't worry " Derek says getting off the bed holding Stiles and helping him walk towards the bathroom since the gash on his leg has not healed yet.

Opening the door with one hand Derek led Stiles towards the toilet so he could sit down on it while Derek turned on the cold water in the shower.

" Alright Stiles, you take off your clothes then get in the shower when um, it's down you can get out and use a towel to dry up, okay? " Stiles nods and begins to remove his clothes the moment Derek walks out closing the door behind him.

Once hes under the cold water he shivers then relaxes. He's looking at his dick annoyed frowning them smiling when it finally starts to go down and soften.

When he's done he gets out and grabs a towel that was hanging from a hook, drying himself before wrapping it around himself and exiting the bathroom.

He looks around the room before spotting Derek coming out of the closet with clothes in his hands. 

" Here you are Stiles " Stiles smiles at him taking the clothes and dropping the towel making Derek's face turn firetruck red and look away.

Stiles dresses quickly and picks up the towel handing it to a still blushing Derek.

Derek throws it into the hamper in the corner and coughs clearing his throat.

" Would you like a tour of the castle Stiles? " Derek asks him and Stiles nods excitedly since he's so curious to see everything.

" Yes! Yes! Yes! " he squeals grabbing Dereks hand and jumping on his toes happily.

Derek smiles at how cute he looks and kisses his cheek before leading him out the door of his room.


Alright so i know i already asked you guys for this but please please PLEASE read my story Blood Filled Moon? I'm kinda editing it and i want to know what you guys would think of it please? It would be awesome if you guys would do that for me.  I will try to update as soon as I can! And i'm behind on teen wolf so i might take a while.


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