Chapter 16

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Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 16

"Um...." Scott was starting to regret getting legs.

Thank you Stiles, for leaving me alone with someone who could possibly kill me. Scott shook his head trying to get that thought out of his head

"You don't need to be afraid of me Scott, I won't hurt you." Scott looked at Isaac for a moment then looked away again.

"I do not know that, you could easily kill me right now." Isaac stopped walking and grabbed Scott looking him in the eyes.

He was much taller than Scott so he had to bend down a little. "If I wanted to kill you I would've done it already, if I wanted you to die I would've just left you to die of blood loss in the water. Do you understand now Scott? I. will. never. harm. you. in. any. way. EVER." Isaac slowly let go of Scott's shoulders and stood straight up.

Scott nodded slowly, then made a break for the water.


"Dang it Scott!" Isaac yelled as he ran after Scott.

People around them were looking at them strangely.

Isaac cursed and once he reached Scott, he tackled him onto the ground.

"Get off me! Don't kill me! Let me go!" Isaac growled, frustrated and just to shut him up, kissed him.

Scott made a noise of surprise and stayed still, in shock.

Why is he doing this?! Scott thought, his eyes slowly closing but not kissing Isaac back.

Isaac pulled away.

"Will you be quiet now? You're attracting attention to yourself Scott." Isaac sighed and loosened his grip on Scott's wrists.

"I'll take you to Stiles if you want? I'm pretty sure they just said they were going to have sex so you'd stop clinging to Stiles so much." Scott just blinked up at him.

"Do you want me to take you to Stiles?" Scott nodded.

Isaac got up and pulled Scott with him.


"We're getting married in two weeks?! WHAT?!" Stiles was hyperventilating. "But? What? I? Oh my lord, I think I need to sit down." Stiles walked over to Derek's bed and sat down carefully, taking in deep breathes.

"You're getting married in TWO WEEKS!" Scott yelled, bursting into the room and wobbling over to Stiles. "You can't!" Scott threw his hands up and waved them around.

"John still isn't better! You need to go back! He needs you Stiles! I need you! You can't get married in two weeks you just can't! Not until your dad gets better!" Scott threw himself against the bed and covered his face with his hands.

" Scott, relax, I'm not going to marry Derek in two weeks." Stiles looked at Derek, Derek just kept a blank face. Stiles looked at Scott again.

"Just relax, yeah? But once my father is better, I am going to marry Derek, Scott." Scott groaned and sat up.

"I just don't want you to leave me, Stiles. I have no one." Scott looked like he was about to cry. Stiles grabbed Scott's shoulders and pulled him in for a hug.

"I'll never leave you Scott, I promise. " Scott sniffed and hugged Stiles back. " You have legs now too Scott, you can stay here with me." Scott pulled away and smiled at Stiles.

Scott glanced at Isaac and blushed, then looked back at Stiles.

"I need to go back at tell John, are you going to stay here with Derek?" Stiles nodded. "Okay, I'll be back tomorrow." Stiles nodded again and hugged Scott one more time.

"Isaac can you please escort Scott to the dock?" Stiles asked, Scott was about to protest but Isaac spoke.

"Sure, let's go Scott." Scott glared at a smirking Stiles then got up and left with Isaac.


" Peter? Stiles and I need to talk to you about the wedding arrangements." Peter turned to the sound of his nephews voice. He had been discussing tactics on how to find the mer-people's home and if they did, how to invade them.

"Well of course Derek." Peter waved away the hunters, gesturing for them to leave. Once they left Stiles spoke up.

"I can not marry Derek in two weeks your highness, my father is very ill at the moment and I need to be by his side." Stiles took a deep breath in to calm himself. "I do not know how long it will take him to get better so the wedding must be postponed to another day. " Peter looked in deep thought.

"Well, I guess we can make some arrangements." Peter clapped his hands together and smiled at Stiles. "I do hope your father gets better Prince Stiles, I'll see to it that your wedding to my nephew is postponed to another day. " Stiles smiled at Peter and then at Derek.

"Prince Stiles?" Stiles looked away from Derek and looked at Peter. "Yes your highness?" Stiles asked, grabbing Derek's hand and holding it tightly.

"Does anyone in your kingdom hunt mer-people?"


" Scott, I'm not going to freaking bite you! " Isaac was getting tired of this. Every time Isaac got even a little close to Scott, Scott would immediately start to freak out.

" I am sorry Isaac, but I can not trust you, I know Stiles trusts you but I just simply can't." Isaac huffed but stayed quiet until they reached the docks.

Scott turned to Isaac, "Please tell Stiles that I will be back tomorrow, yes?"

Isaac nodded, but said nothing which made Scott feel bad. Scott looked down at the water then bit his lip and just thought 'fuck it'. He moved closer to Isaac and wrapped his arms around his waist hugging him tightly.

Isaac stood still for a moment, letting his brain process what was happening, then wrapped his arms around Scott.

"Thank you Isaac, for saving me. " Isaac nodded against Scott's shoulder then slowly let go when Scott started to pull away.

Scott smiled up at Isaac as he smiled down at him.

"Um.... if you can, will you wait for me here tomorrow? I will be back around lunch time." Scott mumbled, looking down. Isaac chuckled lightly, "I'll be here Scott." Scott looked up and blushed, then smiled. " Thank you." Isaac nodded and then watched as Scott dived into the water.

He bobbed his head from above the water and smiled at Isaac, then waved. Isaac smiled back waving slightly and watched as Scott went back under water and left.

Isaac sighed before starting to walk back to the castle.


Well I hope you have all enjoyed my story! I'm, again, sorry for updating so late. Time just flies by.

I'm not going to promise that i'll update faster because i know i will break it so i'm sorry. I'll update again when i get the chance.

-Diana <3

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