Chapter 19

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Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 19

"Hey Scott why don't you stay here for the night? " Stiles suggests, " You can stay with Isaac, you know as long as it's okay with him of course. " Scott glares at Stiles. Derek just smirks and nuzzles closer to Stiles.

"Would that be all right Isaac?" Isaac nods and smiles widely at Stiles. "It'd be my pleasure. " Scott makes an 'eep' sound before getting off the bed and standing awkwardly by the door.

"That's okay, I-I think I should go back home..." Stiles pouts. "C'mon Scotty, just for today please?" Scott huffs but nods anyways.

"Good, now out so I can make love to Stiles. " Derek says, kissing Stiles' neck. Stiles blushes while Scott just looks horrified. Isaac stands up and walks over to Scott.

" I'll show you to my room, don't worry I don't bite. " Isaac says, Scott blushes and nods, following Isaac out of the room.

Once the door closes Derek gently shoves Stiles onto his back and gets in between his legs.

"Now we can have fun. " Derek says making Stiles giggle and kiss him.


" I think it would be best if I just go home, I don't want you to feel uncomfortable with me sleeping in your room. " Scott says with his head down.

" It's okay Scott, I already said I'd love to have you and I would, so you're staying with me. " Scott pouts but continues to follow Isaac to his room.

On the way there Isaac sees someone familiar and freezes.

He quickly rushes a confused Scott towards his room and shuts the door once inside.

"What happened? Are you okay Isaac? " Scott asks, placing his hand on Isaacs shoulder with a worried look on his face.

"Yeah I'm okay, but even if you want to leave I don't think you'll be able to. I just saw the hunter that shot you walking our way, he always guards this hall at night, I'm sorry Scott. " Isaac says and Scott nods.

He's scared. He doesn't want to be seen by the hunter. He knows he'll recognize him as the merman he shot and immediately turn him into the lead hunter who also happens to be the king. " You'll be okay in here, I promise. "

Scott nods and smiles softly and Isaac. "I'll sleep on the floor and you can sleep on the bed. " Isaac says, already moving to grab some blankets.

Scott grabs his arm to stop him.

"No, it is okay, I can sleep on the floor. This is your room, not mines. The floor is good. " Scott says but Isaac shakes his head.

"I don't want you sleeping on the floor of your own room. " Isaac thinks for a moment. He really doesn't want to sleep on the floor even if it is carpeted.

"What do you suggest we do then Scott? "

And that's how Isaac ends up spooning Scott. Scott makes a small noise when he felt Isaacs arm go around him. He didn't move. " Scott, you're too tense, calm down. If you're afraid I'll touch you inappropriately I won't. I'd never do anything without your consent. " Scott blushed but nodded and relaxed his muscles.

"See? That's better. " Isaac says, loosing his arm a bit since he realized it was too tight.

"No! Don't let go! Please. I-I... Um.... Your arms make me feel safe... Please don't let go." Scott says in a soft voice holding Isaacs arms in his hands.

Isaac smiled, " Don't worry Scott, I won't let you go, you're okay, he won't get you. " Scott smiled and closed his eyes, relaxing in Isaacs arms and falling asleep.

Isaac smiled and listened to Scott's soft breathing before moving his slightly long hair and kissing the back of his neck.

He felt Scott shiver before staying still. Isaac closed his eyes and finally fell asleep with his arm wrapped protectively around Scotts waist.


"You have a very big dick Derek. " Stiles pants, cuddling up to Derek. He's sweaty and naked but so is Derek. They don't mind though, so it's okay.

Derek chuckles, "Thank you Stiles. "

"It's way bigger than the other mermen, they have small dicks but there are some that are big, but yours is still bigger. " Derek frowned when Stiles talked about other guys dick.

"Don't worry Derek. Your dick is my favorite and the only one I've had and will ever have. " Stiles said, kissing Derek's chest.

"Damn it is. " Stiles giggled and closed his eyes.

"Do you think the baby will be a girl or boy?" Stiles asked after a few minutes of silence.

Derek was quiet for a moment before answering. " Girl. " Stiles smiled because he also thinks the baby will be a girl. "I bet she'll be really pretty, like you. " Stiles said, lifting his head up to look at Derek. " She'll be just as beautiful as you Stiles, maybe she'll be a mermaid? Wouldn't that be something. " Stiles laughed lightly.

It would be something. Something amazing and terrible. Mer-babies are always born with a tail. But that's between mer-creatures.

He doesn't know how it would be with a merman and human. He just hopes she's born human so she's not taken from him if he gives birth on land and not in the sea.

"She'll be loved no matter what she is. " Stiles said, he kissed Derek's chest one more time before falling asleep with his head on his chest and Derek's arm around him with his hand on his flat tummy.

"I love you Stiles. "



ANYWAYS! Yes i know it is a short chapter only 1051 words but don't worry next chapter will at least be 1,450 words! I love you guys so much and i have the bestest idea for this book it makes me want to slam my computer into the wall for no reason. Wow I'm weird.




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