Chapter 4

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Mermaid AU!


Chapter 4

Derek was pacing in front of the doctors office with one hand behind his back and rubbing his face with the other.

The doctor hadn't allowed him to be in the room while he cleaned up all of Stiles's wounds.

It has been an hour and he still wasn't done, to say Derek was worried is a huge understatement honestly.

Finally, the doctor opened the door and let Derek in. He rushes passed him, standing next to Stiles who was moving slightly. Derek sighs in relief to see that he was okay.

He gently places his hand on Stiles' forehead. Stiles' eyes flutter open and he's gasping for air.

" D-Derek? " Stiles pants sitting up, when he does he notices that his tail is gone and he's wearing some type of dress,that is ugly he thinks.

He starts to panic, not knowing where he is and what happened to his tail.

" Stiles calm down, you're okay, alright? I got you " Derek says gently grabbing Stiles' face in his hands making him look him in the eyes.

Stiles' breathing goes back to normal before he sighs leaning against Derek.

" What happened? " Stiles asks the last thing he remembers is being attacked by hunters then blacking out.

" That's what I'd like to know " Stiles jumps in surprise he didn't notice that there was someone else in the room with him and Derek.

" All I remember was that it was dark and I was on my way home when I got attacked by three men " Stiles says hesitantly leaning more against Derek.

The doctor nods before looking at Derek.

" He's alright now, I cleaned up all his cuts and bruises but there's a nasty gash on his right thigh so he might not be able to walk " The doctor tells Derek and he nods.

" Alright, thank you doctor " Derek says before picking up Stiles making him squeak softly.

" You're welcome Prince Derek " Derek freezes for a moment before nodding once at the doctor and leaving.

" Prince? " Stiles asks curiously.

" Yes " Stiles hums before leaning more against Derek.

" Where are we going? " Stiles asks looking around at the people they were walking past. They were all either pointing or whispering to each other while staring at them. Stiles hid his face in Derek's chest, " I'm taking you to the castle " Derek said simply, Stiles nodded keeping his head in Derek's chest.


" Scott! Have you seen Stiles? " John asked in a panic, it was daylight and John couldn't find Stiles anywhere he is afraid that the hunter killed him or took him with them.

Scott shook his head " I haven't seen him your highness " John sighed frustrated, this cant be happening.

" Its been 12 hours and he's no where to be found " John wanted to cry, he honestly did but he held back his tears.

" Scott round up all the guards and tell them to meet me in the throne room immediately okay? " Scott nodded quickly swimming away to go find all the guards.

' Please let Stiles be okay ' he thought desperately.


" Derek? What is this? " Stiles asks holding up a fork. " That's a fork Stiles " Derek tells him. Stiles looks at it curiously before shoving it in his hair and moving it through his hair. " No Stiles, forks are for eating not for combing your hair " Derek says gently taking away the fork and setting it on his nightstand.

After Derek had brought Stiles to his room, thankfully unnoticed, he got him some clothes and helped him put them on.

Stiles asked what was the thing between his legs and Derek blushed telling him that he would tell him later.

" Oh! " Stiles said nodding before flopping back on Derek's bed. " I like your bed, it is soft, mine is just half a giant oyster " Stiles tells him closing his eyes and snuggling into Derek's pillow.

Derek smiles softly at him laying down next to him and pulling him towards his body to spoon him from behind.

Stiles smiles before he falls asleep in Derek's arms. After a few minutes of Derek running his hand through Stiles' hair he fell asleep as well.


I know its short but I hope you all enjoyed it and i'll try to make the next chapter longer.

Lots of love! Diana!

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