Chapter 20

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Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 20


"See? That's better. " Isaac says, loosing his arm a bit since he realized it was too tight.

"No! Don't let go! Please. I-I... Um.... Your arms make me feel safe... Please don't let go." Scott says in a soft voice holding Isaac's arms in his hands.

Isaac smiled, " Don't worry Scott, I won't let you go, you're okay, he won't get you. " Scott smiled and closed his eyes, relaxing in Isaac's arms and falling asleep.

Isaac smiled and listened to Scott's soft breathing before moving his slightly long hair and kissing the back of his neck.

He felt Scott shiver before staying still. Isaac closed his eyes and finally fell asleep with his arm wrapped protectively around Scott's waist.


"Do you think the baby will be a girl or boy?" Stiles asked after a few minutes of silence.

Derek was quiet for a moment before answering. " Girl. " Stiles smiled because he also thinks the baby will be a girl. "I bet she'll be really pretty, like you. " Stiles said, lifting his head up to look at Derek. " She'll be just as beautiful as you Stiles, maybe she'll be a mermaid? Wouldn't that be something. " Stiles laughed lightly.

It would be something. Something amazing and terrible. Mer-babies are always born with a tail. But that's between mer-creatures.

He doesn't know how it would be with a merman and human. He just hopes she's born human so she's not taken from him if he gives birth on land and not in the sea.

"She'll be loved no matter what she is. " Stiles said, he kissed Derek's chest one more time before falling asleep with his head on his chest and Derek's arm around him with his hand on his flat tummy.

"I love you Stiles. "


" Derek I am not paralyzed, I can walk. " Stiles said pouting as Derek carried him into the bathroom. "I know, I just don't want you tripping or anything. " Stiles rolled his eyes and squirmed out of Derek's grip.

Derek sighed but let him, placing him gently on the ground. " Now, I am going to try and shower while you go and bring us food, yes?" Derek nodded and kissed Stiles' cheek before leaving him to get food.


Scott shifted in Isaac arms, nuzzling his face into his neck and gripping his shirt with his hands. Isaac cracked open an eye and smiled down at Scott.

There was rustling outside his door before someone knocked. Isaac slowly and gently separated himself from Scott. Quietly he walked to the door and opened it.

It was Stiles.

" Hi Isaac, is Scott asleep? Did I wake you? I am sorry if I did." Stiles said, whispering.

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