Chapter 13

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Mermaid! AU
Chapter 13



"Oh wow Scott loosen up on the hug man, I saw you yesterday you know." Stiles laughed. Scott loosened his grip a bit but didn't let go.

"I know but I've missed you so much! Did you see your father yet? Are you actually going to marry Derek Hale?" Stiles sighed and pulled away from Scott.

" Yes I've seen him already and i'm worried about him because his tail is fully white but when he saw me some color returned to it so it's okay and yes Scott i am actually going to marry him, I love him."

Scott's face morphed from a happy smile to a deep frown as he glared at Stiles.


"Scott?" Stiles was confused as to why Scott was glaring at him so angrily. "What is wrong?" Scott just glared at him harder. If possible.

"Why are you going to marry him?! In case you forgot he kills our kind! He hates us and wants us all dead! He and everyone of them hunt us down because we're different! Did you forget that Stiles?!" 

Stiles knew Derek hunted his kind but he had stopped the moment he grew close to Stiles.

" I know that Scott! But it's different now! Derek loves me! He would never hurt or betray me! He hasn't hunted any of us since he met me! He feels differently about us now! He doesn't want us dead anymore Scotty! " Scott just shook his head.

"That's what he wants you to believe Stiles! He just getting close to you so he can get closer to us and kill us all! Why can't you see that?! Are you that blind!" Stiles flinched at Scott's tone. He never knew his best friend could be like this.

He knew he was just worried about him and everyone in the kingdom but he'd never seen Scott like this. He thought maybe Scott would be happy for him.

Scott saw the sad and hurt look on Stiles' face and immediately felt bad. " I'm sorry Stiles. It's just you're my brother, I don't want you getting hurt, I love you. " Stiles sniffed and hugged Scott closer to his body.

"I know, I love you too Scotty but trust me on this one please. Derek loves me and I love him." Scott nodded and hugged Stiles for a little longer before letting go and pulling away.

" How did you get legs? How were you able to walk in them? Tell me everything!" Scott said excitedly causing Stiles to laugh and nod.


It's been two weeks and Stiles still hasn't come back. 

Derek isn't worried, he knows he shouldn't be. He knows Stiles is safe where he is and that he'll come back when he can. He just misses him so much. 

His uncle has asked him to go hunting until Stiles comes back, knowing that he had been too busy with him when he was here. Derek said no, of course. He'd never go hunting again.

He was sitting at the dock hoping he'd see Stiles but like always he doesn't. 

Derek felt a hand on his shoulder and he jumped slightly. He turned his head to see Isaac standing there with a small smile on his face.

" Hey Derek. " Derek nodded in greeting and turned back around to look at the ocean.

Isaac sat down next to him and looked out as well. 

" I know who and what he is Derek. " Isaac said after a few minutes. Derek tensed and slowly turned his head to look at Isaac.

"What?" Isaac turned to look at Derek. " I know that he's the merman you told me you killed a long time ago, more than a year i think, his name is Stiles Stilinski and he's the prince of the mer people."

Derek stayed quiet. "I won't tell anyone Derek, I can see how much you love him and how much he loves you, I wouldn't ruin that, I'd never do that to you." Derek relaxed a little.

"Thank you." Derek whispered then jumped when he felt hands wrap around his ankles.

Isaac and he looked down to see Stiles smiling up at Derek. Stiles still hadn't noticed Isaac.

"Stiles?" Derek asked smiling down at him.

"Hello Derek!" Stiles said and then finally his eyes trailed to the person sitting beside Derek.

The color drained from his face, the smile left his face, and fear swam in his eyes.

His hands started to let go of Derek's ankles but Derek was too quick and grabbed his hands.

"It's okay Stiles, he's not going to hurt you, I promise." Derek said calmly.

"H-he....Derek... he, I." Stiles' eyes rolled into the back of his head and he went limp. 

Derek quickly jumped into the water and kept hold of Stiles' hands. He let go of one of his hands and wrapped his arm around Stiles' waist pulling him above water. He gently slapped Stiles' face.

"Damnit." Derek said under his breath and looked around then at Isaac.

"Help me get him onto one of the boats, hurry." Isaac quickly helped him carry Stiles out of the water and onto one of the boats.

A few minutes later they had Stiles laying in one of the beds on the boat. He was dry and his tail was gone so Derek covered him up with a blanket.

"How is that possible?" Isaac asked referring to Stiles having legs.

"Apparently it is but don't ask me how because I don't how." Isaac just nodded and sat down on the floor next to Stiles, staring at him.

Derek sat down next to him and grabbed Stiles' hand in his placing a soft kiss on it.

"Der?" Stiles sounded scared. Derek looked at him and saw he was trying to get away from Isaac.

"Hey it's okay Stiles calm down. " Derek climbed onto the bed with Stiles and pulled him close.

"He....he was the one.... he was one of them." Stiles whispered, Derek looked at him confused.

"He was one of the one's that attacked me the night before you found me injured." Stiles said a little louder this time. He glanced at Isaac and scooted closer to Derek.

"A-and h-he almost k-killed me m-more than a year ago, he would have i-if I hadn't swam into y-you." Stiles hid his face in Derek's neck hugging him.

"Please don't let him hurt me again Derek, please." 


Finished! Yay! Anyone saw that teen wolf episode? Because I did! Twice! I'm going to watch it again so I can update my rant book read it if you want and share your thoughts. 


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