Chapter 26

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Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 26


"Okay Stiles one more push and you're done." Stiles nodded and pushed one last time.

He fell back exhausted onto the hospital bed pillow.

He felt the tears run down his face as Lydia handed him his crying baby with a smile on her face.

"It's a boy." Stiles smiled and held his son in his arms. He kissed his head and laughed softly when the baby squirmed. He had stopped crying and was now peacefully laying in Stiles' arms.

Suddenly Stiles felt a jolt of pain in his stomach and cried out.

Lydia's eyes widened as she looked at what was wrong.

"Stiles..... there's another one."

Stiles looked at her in shock as Erica took his son away.

He tried to grab her but cried out again in pain.

"Stiles, I'm gonna need you to start pushing again."


"Everyone take the wolfsbane and get ready." John instructed everyone.

"Team A, ready your weapons. Team B, take your positions, and Team C, make sure they stay as far away as possible from the palace. Team D, slow them down as much as you can. And remember everyone, kill them all, let none live, if one does they'll come back and leave Peter to me. " Derek shouted, grabbing a sword.

They were outside and ready in two minutes.

John had brought everyone he could. It wasn't a lot but it was just enough.

We might win this, Derek thought. He shook his head, we will win this.

When Peter and his men approached, his eyes widened and he halted his men. His eyes roamed over Boyd, Allison, John, his army, and finally, Derek.

"Derek? How did you get out?" Peter glared at Allison and Boyd.

"Did they help you? That's treason! Argent! Control your daughter!" Peter bellowed, pointing at Chris then at Allison.

Chris moved forward a bit and cleared his throat. "Allison, get over here, now." He said, his voice hard.

"You don't control me father, what you're doing is wrong and you must be stopped." She said, raising her bow and arrow.

"Don't be stupid, this has nothing to do with you, now come." He said, losing his patience.

"You're killing innocent people! This has everything to do with me! Don't you remember our code? We hunt those who hunt us. These creatures have never done anything to us! You kill them for your own sick enjoyment! This is wrong and deep down inside you know it! I won't stand with you dad. I'm fighting for a cause I believe in, just like you. But mine is actually worth fighting for. " Allison finished, then, in one quick motion, let her arrow go.

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