Chapter 2

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Mermaid AU


Chapter 2

Scott left a while ago to attend to his duties in the kitchen. Stiles sighed before getting off his bed and swimming towards his kelp curtain, poking his head out.

" Your majesty " two palace guards greeted him, he smiled at them before moving back into his room.

I won't be getting out of here anytime soon, he thought sighing.

He looked at the open part of his room suddenly feeling stupid before getting up and swimming out of his room towards who knew where.

He found himself swimming towards the dock, well the part where no one went to so he was surprised when he saw someone's feet in the water.

Curiosity filled him so he went under the dock and poked his head above the water to see legs dangling from the dock.

He swam a bit closer but backed up when the legs moved upwards. A few moments later someone jumped into the water.

Gasping he stood still, frozen. When the bubbles that had formed cleared his eyes widen as he sees that its the guy from the night before.

His black hair is floating around his head and his hazel green eyes are wide.

Stiles' eyes are just as wide. The man swims towards him, Stiles, still frozen, looks panicked as the man grabs his arm moving upwards breaking the surface.

" What the hell are you doing here?! " Derek growls at him grabbing both arms and shaking him slightly. Stiles' eyes hold fear now and he tries to get out of his grip. " Let me go " Stiles hisses at him before shoving him with his tail.

Derek is pushed back a few feet away from Stiles with a shocked expression on his face. " Why are you here? " Derek asks angrily, Stiles just looks at him and simply says.

" I was curious "

Derek rolled his eyes, looking into this creatures whiskey colored eyes.

" You should leave " Stiles just stared at him before moving closer and circling him. " What are you doing? " Derek asked him, Stiles just kept circling him before wrapping his tail around Derek's legs and pulling him to the side.

He laughed as Derek looked at him angrily, he knew he shouldn't piss him off cause he could easily snap his neck and kill him.

Stiles was about to do it again but Derek grabbed the end part and pulled him towards him.

Stiles gasped in surprise moving away from Derek. " What is your name? " Stiles asked tilting his head to the side.

Derek thought about it for second thinking if he should or shouldn't tell the creature his name.

" Pr- Derek, my name is Derek " Stiles nodded before extending his hand. " The name's Stiles " he said and Derek shook his hand hesitantly.

" Aren't you afraid that i might try and kill you? " Derek asked him raising an eyebrow. A flash of fear passed through Stiles' eyes before it disappeared.

" You would have done it already " Stiles whispered quietly.

He had a point, Derek thought sighing before rubbing a hand down his face. He took in a breath then slipped into the water.

Stiles slipped in as well obviously not needing to take a breath since he can breathe water and air. He thought of a small cave somewhere bear here but where no one could see it.

" Derek! " Stiles called and Derek stopped swimming around looking at him with a questioning look. " I want to show you something " he said, Derek gave him a weird look before nodding reluctantly. " Follow me " Stiles said grabbing Dereks' hand and dragging him through the water.


" This is so cool " Derek said admiring the beautiful sparkling cave. There wasn't a lot of light but enough that let you see where you were going so you wouldn't crash into a rock.

" Cool? I find it warm in here? " Stiles looked at Derek while tilting his head, something he did a lot.

Derek let out a small laugh shaking his head. " No Stiles, i meant that its pretty or nice looking in here, its cool " he shrugged swimming to a rock popping out from the water and sitting on top of it.

Stiles nodded before swimming around; an idea popped into his head.

He swam a bit closer to Derek before splashing him in the face with his tail and giggling.

Derek, having had his eyes closed didn't see him coming and jumped in surprise falling into the water with a loud splash that bounced off the walls of the cave in an echo.

Derek came up from under the water and glared at Stiles. Stiles gave him an innocent look before smirking a bit.

" You thought that was funny? " Derek asks slowly moving closer to Stiles who pretended to think about it for a moment before nodding and laughing.

Derek, in one swift movement was, in front of Stiles smirking. Stiles gasped about to swim away but Derek grabbed him and picked him up, his tail feeling slimy against his finger, before throwing Stiles a few feet away from him into the water.

Stiles came back up five seconds later with a frown and a glare as Derek's laugh erupted throughout the cave. Stiles huffed before splashing him with water in the face again with his now glowing orange red tail.

Derek stopped laughing at spit out the salty sea water before splashing Stiles well.

And that ladies and gentle-fish is how Stiles and Derek got into a splashing war.


It was starting to get late and Stiles would need to hide soon. So they went back to the docks and said goodbye, agreeing to go back again tomorrow. While Derek was sitting down on the dock putting his shirt and jeans on, he had been in his boxers, Stiles jumped up on it with him and gave his cheek a quick kiss before diving back into the water and swimming away quickly.

Derek stayed still for a second with wide eyes before shaking it off and going back to the castle. The lingering feeling of Stiles' lips on his cheek staying longer than it should have.


Well I have finished chapter 2! I hope you guys enjoyed it and see wasn't it longer?

Love you guys hope to god and the sea lords that all of you are!

Kisses! -Didi

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