Chapter 21

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Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 21


"Stiles, sweetheart, calm down." Derek said, grabbing his hand.

Stiles turned and glared at Derek.

"Calm down? You expect me to calm down when my best friend was eaten by a shark?!" Stiles yelled, then placed his hands on his stomach and took a deep breath.

"Stiles?" Derek stood up from his chair. "Are you alright?" Stiles nodded and sat down in his chair next to Derek.

"I-I'm okay, I just need to calm down I guess. " Stiles gave him a small smile. Derek frowned for a second but then smiled back.

"Anyways, Scotty, I'm glad you're okay now." Scott smiled at him.

"You sure you're okay Stiles? I think you should go see a doctor. " Stiles shook his head.

"I'm okay really, I just need to rest. Carry me Derek?" Derek rolled his eyes but smiled at Stiles anyways.

"If you two want to continue what you were doing earlier, go right on ahead." Stiles said, smirking at Scott when he blushed.

Derek picked Stiles up and carried him away before he could embarrass the poor kid any longer.

Stiles stuck his tongue out at Scott who did the same.


" Now you stay right here Stiles." Derek, pointing his finger at Stiles with his hands on his hips. Stiles huffed but nodded, placing his hands on his stomach.

" I'll be back in a bit, yeah?" Stiles nodded and blew Derek a kiss. Derek smiled and blew one at him as well.

Stiles smiled down at his belly. "Now you behave little one, Papa and Dada were worried about you. " Stiles said softly to his belly.

Derek stayed outside the door for a moment, listening to Stiles talk to their baby.

"You're going to be a great baby, and loved by everyone! Dada and I are gonna take care of you. " Derek smiled and turned when he heard someone walking towards him.

He saw Boyd a few feet away from him.

"You're uncle has asked or you in his meeting room sir." Derek gave him a small smile. " Thank you Boyd. " Boyd nodded before bowing slightly, then leaving.

Derek pressed his ear against the door, he smiled when he heard Stiles still talking to his belly. He stood there for a few more seconds before turning and going to see what his uncle wants.


"Isaac!" Scott squealed when Isaac came up behind him and picked him up.

After Stiles and Derek left them on the balcony, Scott decided he wanted to go back to Isaac's room.

Isaac immediately thought wrong and blushed but walked Scott back to his room.

"Isaac, put me down!" Scott tightly wrapped his arms around Isaac's neck, not wanting to fall on his butt.

"It's okay Scotty, I won't drop you." Scott smiled at Isaac and leaned up to kiss him.

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