Chapter 17

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Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 17

"I can not marry Derek in two weeks your highness, my father is very ill at the moment and I need to be by his side." Stiles took a deep breath in to calm himself. "I do not know how long it will take him to get better so the wedding must be postponed to another day. " Peter looked in deep thought.

"Well, I guess we can make some arrangements." Peter clapped his hands together and smiled at Stiles. "I do hope your father gets better Prince Stiles, I'll see to it that your wedding to my nephew is postponed to another day. " Stiles smiled at Peter and then at Derek.

"Prince Stiles?" Stiles looked away from Derek and looked at Peter. "Yes your highness?" Stiles asked, grabbing Derek's hand and holding it tightly.

"Does anyone in your kingdom hunt mer-people?"


"Thank you Isaac, for saving me. " Isaac nodded against Scott's shoulder then slowly let go when Scott started to pull away.

Scott smiled up at Isaac as he smiled down at him.

"Um.... if you can, will you wait for me here tomorrow? I will be back around lunch time." Scott mumbled, looking down. Isaac chuckled lightly, "I'll be here Scott." Scott looked up and blushed, then smiled. " Thank you." Isaac nodded and then watched as Scott dived into the water.

He bobbed his head from above the water and smiled at Isaac, then waved. Isaac smiled back waving slightly and watched as Scott went back under water and left.

Isaac sighed before starting to walk back to the castle.


"What?!" Stiles was shocked that Peter had asked him that, but then he remembered that Peter didn't know what he was. And if he did, Stiles would be dead.

"I'll take that as a no then. " Peter chuckled, while Stiles just stared at him in anger and shock. Derek grabbed Stiles' arm and dragged him out of Peters meeting room before he did something he would surely regret later.

Derek dragged Stiles towards his room and sat him down on the bed.

"Calm down Stiles, just breathe. " Derek tried, but Stiles was just so angry, he wanted go back into that room and punch Peter in the face for being so cruel to his kind.

"Don't worry Stiles, once we get married and I become king I'll make sure your kind is never hunted again, I promise you that Stiles."

Stiles nodded and took a deep breathe before looking up at Derek.

"What if someone finds out what I really am before we get married? What if they tell Peter and I get taken away from you? What if they kill me and you have to marry someone else? What if you're forced to marry that bitchy princess? I don't want to lose you Derek! " Stiles was trying to calm down, but he just couldn't. He kept thinking about everything that could go wrong. He kept thinking that he would be killed before he married Derek.

He didn't want to lose Derek. He didn't want to leave Scott or his father. He didn't want to die at the hands of those cruel hunters.

He hadn't noticed he was crying until Derek wiped the tears from his cheeks.

"It's okay Stiles, we'll be okay. " Derek told him, reassuringly.

"How can you be so sure Derek? You can't see into the future! I'm worried Derek! I-I..." Stiles got up from the bed in a hurry and rushed into the bathroom.

Derek followed him and saw him bent over the toilet, throwing up.

Derek walked up behind him and rubbed his back soothingly.

"I'm sorry, Derek." Stiles whispered as he flushed the toilet and stood up to brush his teeth. Once he was done he turned to Derek with tears in his eyes.

"Why are you sorry Stiles?" Derek asked, cupping Stiles' cheek with his hand.

Stiles didn't respond, he just let out a sob and hugged Derek.

" I-I am with child Derek." Stiles whispered not looking Derek in the eyes.

Derek stood there in shock.

And then he fainted.


"Isaac? Wow! You are actually here!" Scott was happy and surprised that Isaac had actually decided to come and wait for him.

" Of course I am, now we have to go, Derek fainted yesterday because of something Stiles had said. " Scott nodded and hopped out of the water and onto the dock.

Isaac threw a towel at him so he'd dry up faster.

"Thank you." Scott finished and waited for the tingly feeling in his tail. Once it came his tail morphed into legs and he was butt naked in front of Isaac.....again.

He stood up, wrapping the towel around his waist and turned to a blushing Isaac.

"Um...... Shall we go now?" Isaac nodded and began to lead the way towards the castle.


Well Stiles is pregos. Haha........... Did anyone see that coming? 

-Diana XD

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