Chapter 22

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Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 22


"How do you know about that Scott?" Isaac asked, his arms tightening around Scott. Scott sucked in a deep breath and spoke, " S-Stiles asked me to go look for Derek so I went looking for him, I figured he would be in the meeting with you so I decided to go look for him there.

"I was about to knock w-when I heard what Peter was saying, I got so scared I ran to go warn Stiles but when I told him he got mad and th-thought I was lying to him so he told me to get out so I ran out of the room.

"Then that's when I bumped into you and Derek. Please Isaac tell me you didn't agree to it, please." Scott finished. He fisted Isaac's wet shirt and buried his face into Isaac's neck, crying softly.

Isaac ran his fingers through Scott's wet hair then spoke up, "Scott please understand that he's the king and I can't deny him but please don't worry Derek and I are going to come up with a plan Scott." Scott slowly pulled away from Isaac and stared at him with tears in his eyes.

"I-I have to go warn Stiles' father. " Scott said, completely moving away from Isaac. "Scott?" Isaacs voice sounded broken for a moment.

"Please tell Stiles where I have gone, goodbye Isaac." Scott turned and went under water, swimming as fast as he could away from Isaac and towards the castle to warn John about the attack. 


"How could you Derek? How could you!" Stiles yelled at him, tears ran down his flushed cheeks as he held his stomach.

"Stiles please calm down! I-" Stiles made an inhumane noise.

"Calm down? You want me to calm down after you just told me you agreed to murder my father!" Stiles' breathing was starting to come out in short pants. He was about to have a panic attack.

"Stiles please just listen!" Derek begged, standing up and moving closer to Stiles. He placed his hands on Stiles' shoulders and looked him in the eye.

Stiles' eyes were watery. "I-I need to go find Scott, don't go after me Derek." Stiles said, calming down just a bit.

None of this was good for the baby.

"Stiles plea-" Stiles lifted his hand up, making Derek shut his mouth. "Don't go after me Derek, please." And with that Stiles walked out of the room as Derek sunk to his knees with a pained look on his face.


Stiles swam as quick as he could to his castle. He was sure that's where Scott went after he told him to get out. 

He felt guilty for yelling at his best friend and for not believing him. 

Once he gets there he sees Scott already talking to his father in the throne room so he rushes towards Scott and hugs him, wrapping his tail around Scott's. 

Scott is a little taken aback at first but after a few seconds he hugs Stiles back and tightly wraps his own tail around Stiles'. 

"S-Scott...I...I am so sorry i didn't beli-eve you!" Stiles sobbed into Scott's shoulder. Scott softly rubbed Stiles' back and said it was okay. 

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