Chapter 18

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Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 18

"I'm sorry, Derek." Stiles whispered as he flushed the toilet and stood up to brush his teeth. Once he was done he turned to Derek with tears in his eyes.

"Why are you sorry Stiles?" Derek asked, cupping Stiles' cheek with his hand.

Stiles didn't respond, he just let out a sob and hugged Derek.

" I-I am with child Derek." Stiles whispered not looking Derek in the eyes.

Derek stood there in shock.

And then he fainted.


"Thank you." Scott finished and waited for the tingly feeling in his tail. Once it came his tail morphed into legs and he was butt naked in front of Isaac.....again.

He stood up, wrapping the towel around his waist and turned to a blushing Isaac.

"Um...... Shall we go now?" Isaac nodded and began to lead the way towards the castle.


" Come on Derek, wake up. " Stiles huffed in annoyance and frustration. Derek had fainted yesterday and he still hasn't woken up. After he had fainted, Stiles called in one of the guards, Boyd, was his name. Stiles explained to him what happened and helped him place Derek on the bed. Boyd had left shortly after he made sure Derek hadn't hurt himself.

There was a knock on the bedroom door.

"Come in." Stiles spoke, resting his hand on Derek's cheek.

Scott and Isaac walked in and locked the door behind them.

"Are you okay Stiles? What happened to Derek? " Scott asked, pulling Stiles in for a hug.

" I'm okay Scott, " Stiles sighed, " Derek fainted after I- uh, after I told him that I was with child." Stiles whispered.

Guess who fainted next? Yup that's right.


He fainted and fell on the floor with a loud thump.

"Dang it Isaac not you too!" Stiles yelled and groaned in frustration.

"Scott please stay here, I am going to go get Boyd. " Scott nodded as Stiles left.


Stiles got lost.

He was trying to find Boyd, made a wrong turn, and got lost.

He doesn't even know how. Derek had showed him around but he ended up making a wrong turn and baam! he got lost.

He was in a hallway he didn't recognize. Stiles sighed, frustrated, but kept walking to see if he saw anyone.

After what felt like an hour of wondering around looking for Boyd, Stiles finally found him.

"Boyd?" Stiles called quietly. Boyd stared at him, "Yes prince Stiles?" He asked nicely.

Stiles like Boyd, he was nice. Even though Stiles could tell Boyd didn't trust him so much, he still liked him.

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