Chapter 3

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Mermaid AU!


Chapter 3

Stiles was waiting under the dock for Derek nervously playing with his tail. He heard footsteps and he froze immediately. After some seconds someone jumped in the water, when the bubbles cleared Stiles saw that it was Derek and he relaxed swimming over to him.

" I thought you weren't going to come " Stiles said and Derek gave him a look saying 'why wouldn't i?' before swimming up to catch a breath before going back down.

" C'mon lets go! " Stiles said already swimming towards the cave, he turned around to see Derek trying to catch up and that's when Stiles noticed the gash in his shoulder.

His eyes widened as he swam closer to Derek. " What happened? " Stiles asked concern lacing his tone. Derek pointed upwards, Stiles nodded helping him swim up.

Once above water Derek let out a breath. " Hunting accident " he said simply. " What are these? " Stiles asked gently running his fingers over Derek's wound.

Derek hisses moving away slightly from Stiles. " They're called stitches " Derek said and Stiles nodded. " I know something that can heal that quickly " Stiles said, Derek hesitated a bit then nodded and followed Stiles back down into the water where he lead him back to the cave.

" Sit on the rock, I shall be right back " Stiles told Derek, he nodded sitting on the rock and watched as Stiles dove into the water.

He came back up with seaweed and algae. Stiles sat next to Derek, leaving half of his tail in the water so it wouldn't dry up. " Let me see " Stiles said gently moving Derek so he could see the wound.

Carefully so he wouldn't hurt Derek he rubbed the algae on the wound then wrapped his shoulder in the seaweed.

" That should heal in about an hour " Stiles told him and Derek nodded.

" Why did you kiss me yesterday? " Stiles blushed his eyes wide.

" I-I-I thought you w-would for-get ab-out that " Stiles stuttered, Derek tried to not find it cute, he failed miserably.

The corners of Derek's mouth went up and Stiles glared at him but it just made him look even cuter.

" But why did you? " Derek asked again and Stiles blushed harder. " I do not know, i guess i wanted to? " Stiles answered a bit more like a question than an answer though.

Derek nodded before grabbing Stiles' face in his hands and kissing him.

He didn't know what compelled him to kiss him, but he isn't regretting it. Stiles squeals in surprise, his eyes wide. Derek started to pull away but Stiles quickly wrapped his arms around his neck to pull him closer.

It was his first kiss, he wast going to, make the most of it.

Derek hummed, wrapping his arms around Stiles' torso and lifted him up to place him on his lap.

Stiles wiggled a little to get comfortable making Derek groan and grip him tighter. Stiles pulled away breathing heavily and leaned his forehead against Derek's.

" Why did you kiss me? " Stiles breathed looking up into Derek's eyes, his whiskey eyes sparkling.

" I guess I wanted to " Derek said and Stiles smiled at him before kissing him again.


" Tomorrow? " Derek asked from the dock looking down at Stiles who was moving around in the water.

Stiles smiled up at him his tail splashing noisily in the water. " Tomorrow " Stiles said nodding once. Derek got down on his hands and knees while Stiles leaned upward to connect their lips together.

Derek held Stiles' face with one hand and Stiles held Derek's face with both hands.

They pulled away after a few seconds both smiling at one other.

" Goodbye Derek " Stiles said waving at him, " Goodbye Stiles " Derek said waving back.

Stiles sunk back into the water and swam towards his home with a smile on his face and the feeling of Derek's lips on his lingering.


So everyday after Derek was done with his duties and Stiles was able to escape his father, the guards or Scott, they would meet at the dock and swim together to the cave just beyond the rocks.

This went on for weeks, then it became months, then finally a year.

It was dark when they had returned from the cave, Stiles was just on his way home when it happened.

Stiles was attacked by three people.

He wasn't able to fight them all off, they slashed at his skin with their knives, spears, and swords.

They punched and kicked him everywhere.

He was losing consciousness when they stopped and started dragging him through the water, his blood surrounding them.

He felt a sharp pain in his tail making him scream in pain right before everything went black.


The next day Derek waited at the dock for Stiles.

He waited 30 hour.......two hours.

Derek sighed shoving his hands in the pocket of his jeans walking away from the dock.

" Derek "

Derek froze, it's Stiles, but he doesn't sound okay.

Derek spun around quickly to see Stiles trying to get up on the dock.

He looked horrible, he had cuts and bruises everywhere on his face and chest. When he finally got on the dock with a loud thud Dereks eyes turned to the size of saucers.

Stiles has legs.

He quickly rushed over to him and knelt down beside him. " Oh my god Stiles! What happened? " Derek said slipping one of his arms under Stiles' legs and the other under his shoulders.

His head hung and so did his arms as blood dripped down them onto the dock.

" H-hunters " Stiles' voice cracked as he whispered and he started coughing up blood.

Derek ignored the fact that he was naked and started running towards the village so a doctor could tend to him.


Did you guys like? Was it kawaii(cute)?

I'll try to update soon! Love you all!

-Diana ^.^

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