Chapter 24

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So like the little Bruce Wayne merman in that tank was basically how Stiles was chained up

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So like the little Bruce Wayne merman in that tank was basically how Stiles was chained up. Someone seriously needs to make that. Like a chained up merman Stiles in a tank with sad Derek on the outside ready to help him. That'd be wonderful. 

Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 24


Stiles sobbed in pain, tightening his arms around his belly.

The baby hadn't stopped kicking and now it was worse.

Oh God.

My baby!

This isn't good for my baby!

Stiles' eyes began to fill with tears at the thought of his baby in pain because of this monster standing in front of him.

"Please.." Stiles gasped out, voice laced with pain.

"M-my baby, you need t-to stop, pl-ease." Stiles' voice cracked as he felt another electric shock go through his body.

His blood ran cold when the baby stopped kicking.

No. Not my baby! Please no!

Stiles let out a sob and finally passed out from the pain when Jackson pressed the button one more time.


Just as he was about to punch the wall again, someone called his name.

He looked up to see Boyd standing there with keys jiggling in his hands.

Derek smiled at him as he got up just as Boyd opened the cell door.

"Thank you Boyd." Boyd smiled at him and gestured with his hand at the entrance to the dungeon.

First one to come out was Erica Reyes, Boyd's wife and one of the castle chef. Second person to come out was Lydia Martin, a maid at the castle, she smiled softly at Derek. Derek smiled back.

Finally the last person to come was Allison Argent, Chris Argent's daughter. Derek's eyes widened a little in surprise. He didn't expect to see her here. She nodded at Derek, "We're here to help you Prince Derek." Derek nodded his head and thanked them.

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