Chapter 1

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Mermaid AU


Chapter 1

" I want as many guards to go look for my son! " John Stilinski, ruler of the sea, demanded his main guard.

" Search the whole sea if they have to! I want my son home! " John yelled, before the guard could say anything Stiles burst into the throne room panting and bleeding.

" Stiles! " John yelled in relief swimming quickly to his son and embracing him.

Stiles winced a bit before hugging his father back. " Felix, tell Deaton to come to the throne room immediately. The guard, Felix, nodded bowing before leaving the room.

John pulled away from his son looking at his wounds. " What happened? " he asked gently, Stiles gave him a small smile. " I'm okay, just got cut up a bit when i was hiding in a cave " Stiles lied, it wasn't the first time he lied to his father but he hated doing so, he just didn't want him to worry.

John nodded, hugging his son once more just as Deaton entered the throne room with a worried Scott trailing behind.

" Stiles! " Scott says rushing towards him in a hurry. " Scott! " Stiles says just as Scott pulls him in for a tight hug wrapping they tails together. " When you didn't come back when the sun rose I got so worried! " Scott said hugging him tighter.

" Alright Scott, let me see him " Deaton said. Scott nodded pulling away from Stiles but not leaving his side.

After a few minutes of Deaton cleaning up Stiles' wounds and making sure his tail wasn't injured he told John that the gash in his arm would heal in a few days and the one on his cheek in a couple hours.

" Thank you Deaton " John said gratefully, Deaton smiled at him " You're welcome your highness " he said bowing before excusing himself and leaving.

" Stiles, go with Scott to your room and rest alright " John said and Stiles nodded hugging him once more before leaving with Scott.

Once in Stiles room Scott began bombarding Stiles with questions.

" Where did you go? What happened? Did they see you? Were they the ones that hurt you? " Stiles held his hand up to get Scott to be quiet.

" I hid in the kelp forest, one chased me and i bumped into another one who almost cut my neck open but then he let me go, obviously they did and its pretty clear tha- " Stiles was cut short when Scott burst out.

" One of them let you go?! " Scott yelled, confused and shocked.

Stiles shushed him covering Scott's mouth with his hands. " Be quiet dude! " Stiles whisper/yelled.

Scott nodded and Stiles removed his hands sighing.

" One of them let you go? " Scott asked more quietly this time.

" Yeah and before you ask, no i don't know why he let me go he just did " Stiles told him laying down on his oyster bed, moving his now orange tail around.

" Well at least you're okay " Scott sighs before motioning Stiles to move over. When he did he laid down next to him pulled him close. Stiles was all Scott had, he was like a brother to him. He lost his mom and dad a few years ago, so now all he wants is for Stiles to be safe so he doesn't lose him either.


Derek didn't know why he let that creature go, but he did. He just couldn't find the urge to kill him, it was like all the hatred he felt towards those useless creatures vanished and he couldn't kill him.

" Did you kill it? " Isaac asked him bringing him out of his thoughts.

" Yeah, left him somewhere his kind would find him " Derek lied, he couldn't tell them he had let him go or that he escaped that would frowned upon especially since he was the prince, almost king.

His uncle Peter is king until Derek finds someone he wishes to marry.

Isaac smiled brightly at him, but his eyes showed a different emotion.

Derek ignored it and looked away from him his mind drifting back to that beautiful creature.


TA-DA!! Chapter one done! I know its pretty short but trust me, the next chapter will be longer!! Love you guys!

-Diana ^.^

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