Chapter 27

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Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 27


"You don't control me father, what you're doing is wrong and you must be stopped." She said, raising her bow and arrow.

"Don't be stupid, this has nothing to do with you, now come." He said, losing his patience.

"You're killing innocent people! This has everything to do with me! Don't you remember our code? We hunt those who hunt us. These creatures have never done anything to us! You kill them for your own sick enjoyment! This is wrong and deep down inside you know it! I won't stand with you dad. I'm fighting for a cause I believe in, just like you. But mine is actually worth fighting for. " Allison finished, then, in one quick motion, let her arrow go.

They all watched as it landed right in Chris' shoulder.

That's when all hell broke lose.


"What are their names?" Lydia asked.

She went around the bed to the small crib to look at the baby boy.

"His name is Thomas Samuel Hale and her name is Claudia Honour Hale." Lydia smiled at him.

"Those are lovely names, Stiles." He smiled at her and thanked her.

"Would you like me to place Claudia in the crib so you may rest?" Stiles nodded and passed her the baby.

She gently placed the baby in the crib and wrapped her up in a blanket next to Thomas.

"Where is Erica?" Lydia asked.

"She went to get the babies clothing." Lydia nodded and grabbed a chair, sitting down next to the crib.

Stiles smiled at her then closed his eyes.


Stiles woke up to see Lydia feeding his daughter and Erica his son.

They were smiling and cooing at them.

"How long have I been asleep?" Stiles asked, sitting up.

The girls looked up at him, "A few hours." Erica responded.

Stiles nodded and stared at his babies. Lydia smiled at him and went over to him, handing him Claudia.

Stiles smiled down at her and held the bottle while Claudia drank her milk.

Stiles placed a soft kiss to her forehead.

"You must be hungry Stiles, I'll go get you something to eat." Lydia said, as Stiles burped Claudia. Stiles nodded, "Thank you."

Lydia smiled at him before making her way to the door.

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