Chapter 25

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Mermaid!AU Sterek Chapter 25



"How many of those flowers do you have?" Scott asked, looking at the flower in Deaton's hands.

"A lot. Now, John, this wolfsbane will protect all of your soldiers but only for 2 hours, so you'll have to work fast in getting rid of the hunters." John nodded.

"I have enough for all of your guards and then some." John nodded once more, then turned to his guards.

"Let him go, he's not a threat to us but the other are." Once the guards holding Isaac released him, Scott was instantly at his side, planting his lips on Isaac's.

Isaac smiled into the kiss then wrapped his arms tightly around Scott to bring him closer.

John awkwardly coughed but the two boys didn't pull away.

John sighed and looked away from the love sick pair. He looked at his head guard, "Let's get ready for a war." 


"Be safe." Erica told Boyd, kissing his cheek. Boyd smiled at her and nodded.

Derek smiled fondly at them before turning his attention to Stiles, who was still unconscious.

He leaned down and kissed his forehead. "I'll save them Stiles, all of them." He whispered in his ear before leaning back up and walking out of the clinic with Boyd and Allison following him.


Stiles woke up screaming in pain only 30 minutes after Derek, Allison, and Boyd had left.

Lydia jumped up from her chair and Erica ran in from the bathroom, toilet paper stuck to her shoe.

"What's happening?!" Erica asked, moving to hold Stiles down as he screamed and thrashed in pain.

Lydia inspected Stiles' body and noticed water and blood leaking out of his entrance. Her eyes widened in fear as she looked up at Erica.

"His water broke! He's going into labor!" 


"Oh god Isaac I missed you so much!" Scott squealed as he placed kisses all over his face. 

Isaac smiled at him, " I missed you too Scott." Scott smiled and kissed him sweetly. 

Then his eyes widened, "Isaac, where's Stiles? H-he was on his way to talk to Derek but that was a long time ago and i don't know if he made it! Did you see him? Is he okay? Was Derek with him?" Scott, now pacing his room. 

His tail changing from green to blue then back to green. 

Isaac looked at his tail curiously. " Scott, you're going to want to sit down for this." Scott gave him a weary look before he sat down beside Isaac on his bed. 

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