Chapter 15

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Mermaid! AU
Chapter 15

"NO!" Isaac yelled as the hunter let the arrow fire away. This time it hit Scott's shoulder. The blue water started to fill with red as Scott howled in pain, pulling out the arrows. The hunter rowed away, satisfied with his work. Isaac jumped into the water and held Scott up before he sank to the bottom.

"Fxck." Isaac cursed under his breath, pulling Scott up a bit more and putting pressure on the wound in his back.

"God Dammit!" Moving towards the shore with one arm, he dragged Scott onto the sand still trying to put pressure on his wound.

He looked around and saw no one. "Fxck fxck fxckity fxck fxck!" Removing his shirt he tied it on Scott's bleeding shoulder. He was unconscious for now, though his breathing was shallow.


Dammit he's heavy, Isaac thought as he ran with an unconscious merman in his arms. Luckily he knew a way into town where no one went through so he was able to get there pretty quick. 

He needed to get Scott to the doctor before he bled out. He just hoped the doctor was willing to help.


Derek collapsed next to Stiles, both of them breathing heavily. "I missed doing that Derek." Stiles turned his head to look at Derek who was looking back at him, smiling.

"Me too. " Stiles smiled and rolled on top of Derek, kissing his cheek then nuzzling his face into Derek's neck. 

"I love you Stiles. " Derek wrapped his arms around Stiles' waist and hugged his naked body towards his tightly.

Stiles said it back, but it was muffled. Slowly Stiles lifted his head, " I have to go back to Scott, it's been hours since I left him and he's most likely worried about me. " Derek frowned but nodded and kissed Stiles' nose before rolling them over so he was on top.

Stiles smiled up at Derek then slipped form underneath him to put Derek's shirt on then his boxers.

Derek stood up as well and put on a pair of boxers and pants.

"Hey Der-" Before Stiles could finish Derek's door burst open making him jump and hide behind Derek.

"Prince Derek! Isaac has sent for you and Prince Stiles! He says it's urgent! That one of Prince Stiles' friends has been injured!" Boyd said in a hurry. Stiles froze behind Derek then slowly moved from behind him and walked over to Boyd.

"Where are they?" 


"Is he going to be okay?" Isaac asked the doctor. Deaton was his name, he thought.

"He'll alright, he would've died if it wasn't for you. " Isaac sighed in relief and smiled at the doctor. "Can I see him? Please? " Deaton nodded and let him pass by to the room where Scott was in. 

He had soaking wet towels on his tail so it wouldn't dry up. Slowly, Isaac made his way over to him and gently placed his hand on his cheek. Scott's eyes snapped open and widened in fear.

"Hey, hey, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, I helped you, I brought you to a doctor so he could tend to your wounds." Scott slowly stopped panicking but remained tense.

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