Chapter 8

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Chapter 8
Mermaid! AU

Derek stood there speechless while Jennifer smiled brightly at him.

Stiles was still peeking into the room staring at Derek wondering what he was going to say.

He knew he'd be heart broken if Derek would wish to wed Jennifer, his heart ached at the thought of Derek forgetting all about him and marrying Jennifer.

Derek shook his head and stared at Jennifer with a fake smile.

" It's a pleasure to meet you Princess Jennifer. " Derek bowed his head slightly. Jennifer full on grinned at him and did a curtsy still grinning at him.

" The pleasure is all mine Prince Derek. " Derek looked at his uncle and his mind drifted to Stiles, he knew he was behind the closed door listening and watching.

Before he could say anything to Peter Stiles walked out from behind the door and walked over to where Peter, Jennifer and Derek were standing.

" Derek? " Stiles asked looking at him with wide whiskey eyes.

" Derek? Who is this? " Peter asked narrowing his eyes at Stiles.

Derek gulped and prepared himself to speak.


Before Derek could utter one word Stiles walked over and stood next to him grabbing his hand and lacing their fingers together.

" Hello, your highness, " Stiles did a little bow, " I am Prince Stiles, Prince Derek's boyfriend, It is a pleasure to meet you. " Stiles spoke formally.

Derek stood still, a bit shocked by two things.

1. His shy Stiles was actually talking to his uncle


2. His Stiles called himself Derek's boyfriend, he's never done that before

Peters eyes widened as he stared from Stiles, to Stiles and Derek's hands intertwined together, to Derek, then back to Stiles.

" Boyfriend? When did this happen Derek? How long has this been going on? And with a Prince? " Peter said, flabbergasted.

" It's been going on for over a year Uncle Peter. " Derek said giving Stiles hand a little squeeze, which Stiles returned.

Stiles did not know where the heck that confidence came from! He had surprised himself the  moment he opened up his mouth and said Derek's name. He was glad he did though when he saw the look on Princess whatshername, he smirked mentally.

" Why didn't you tell me Derek? I'm you're uncle and I love you, you need to tell me these things. " Derek nodded and smiled at his uncle.

" I love you too Peter, sorry for not telling you before. " Peter nodded and smiled back at his nephew.

" Um? Excuse me! " Derek and Peter had forgotten that Jennifer had been standing there.

" Oh, pardon me Jennifer, " Peter said only bowing his head slightly, " I guess your wedding to my nephew will be canceled since he has found someone already, I am truly sorry Princess. " Jennifer looked like she was about to kill someone.

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