Chapter Fifty-One: Birthday Boy

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Chapter Fifty-One: Birthday Boy. (Not edited yet)

My breaths were even and slow, as I lightly stirred in the perfectly warm bed. I turned over, snuggling deeper into the chest of the man next to me. I breathed in his familiar scent, as I nuzzled my face against his neck. Suddenly I froze, my eyes flashing open. I looked up at him, still sleeping soundly. Thankfully, my cuddling ways have not woken him yet. I very swiftly, and reluctantly slid out of the bed. I glanced back at him again, and he hadn't moved at all. I crept up to the small cupboards in the corner, opening one of my drawers. I lightly pulled out the box I had all neatly wrapped, with a card sitting on top. I quietly pushed the drawer shut, before tip toeing back towards the bed. Since our mattress was on the floor, because we just didn't have the money the buy a proper bed, and are also lazy shits who can be bothered making a bed frame. I stepped onto the mattress, my feet on either side of Vic. I placed the box behind my back.

"Vic." I coed softly. I shuffled a bit closer, leaning down.

"Victor, wake up." I taunted in a sweet voice. I don't think he wanted me to notice his lips twitch ever so slightly. Thankfully, he was lying on his back. I let my legs collapsed, sitting on him.

"WAKE UP!" I yelled as I landed on him. He groaned a little, but I saw the smile on his lips. He dramatically threw his arm over his eyes.

"Kitty." He moaned, moving his arm down slightly, revealing one gorgeous brown eyes that twinkled up on me.

"Do you know what day it is?" I asked in an excited voice.

"A Saturday?" I glared at him.

"What's the date." I teased further. I saw him fighting back a smile.

"It's the 10th of February." He croaked in response, I grinned wildly.

"Annnnd?" He removed his arm, flopping it onto the bed next to him. He then shrugged, as my eyebrow quilled up.

"Well, I guess I should just throw this away then." I said in a mild voice, bring the present into view. I lightly bounced it in my hands.

"Seems like it's not that important." I pursed my lips, examining the box. I glanced down at a smirking Vic beneath me. I then laughed, holding the present in one hand, before leaning down and pressing my lips to his,

"Happy Birthday, babe." I murmured against his lips. He brushed them once more with mine, before smiling against them. I pulled back, before climbing off him. I place the present in his lap, before clasping my hands together, grinning at him. He gave me a smirk back, before opening the box. It had a small assortment of small presents. All wrapped up neatly. He raised an eyebrow at me, but I could see the excitement in his eyes.

"Go on, open them." I urged him. He opened them one at a time. Like I said, they were only small things. A Queen: Greatest Hits CD, some cologne, a cute little keychain with a small guitar to put in his guitar case, a few new picks, a couple of shirts from Hot Topic and a few little bracelets that I know he likes wearing. He looked at the little treasure trove of things like they were the most precious jewels in the world.

"It's not much, just a few little things, I was kinda stuck on what to get you." I admitted sheepishly. He looked up at me, his eyes shining with happiness.

"It's actually perfect, thank you so much." He places the lid on the box, putting it to the side of him, as he could reach across and embrace me properly. I placed my arms around his waist, resting my head on his shoulder, smiling my face off. I nibbled on my lip, before turning my head.

"Oh, and I have a little something for you later." I whispered Ito his ear, giggling. He stiffened slightly. His arms tightening around my waist.

"Oh really?" He replied huskily. He then turned his head, kissing my neck. I s,irked as he nipped at it.

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