Chapter Sixty-One: Apparently, It Can.

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Chapter Sixty-One: Apparently, It Can.

I had my face snuggled softly against the smooth fabric of my pillow. I felt the mattress dip down on either side of me, at the same level as my waist. I felt a little warmth on my back, as I felt him duck his head down, his lips planting themselves softly on the side of my head. I made a small whining sounds, and I heard him breathe a chuckle. He went to get up, but I let out a protesting noise, reaching an arm out of the warm covers, grasping the front of his shirt. He let out another sigh of a laugh.

"Kitty, I have to go." He whispers, lightly running his fingers through my hair, I turned my face on the pillow, so I could actually see him. He was bent over me, his two hands placed on either side of me, and he was using only his upper body strength to keep from falling on me. He was giving me a crooked grin as he looked down at a very sleepy me. I gave him a pout.

"Stay." I croaked in a husky voice. His eyes squinted a little as he smile down at me. He shook his head at me, his long brown hair swaying on his shoulders. I tightened my grip on his shirt. I felt his chest vibrate with a small laugh. I tugged him towards me.

"Just five more minutes." I mumbled, attempting to pull him down to me.

"Hey, that's what I'm suppose to say when I have to get up." He teased, keeping himself firmly above me. Even in my sleepy state, I gave him a small smirk.

"I can make it worth your while." He cocked up an eyebrow in interest, as I tried to give him a seductive look, letting eyes wander up and down his body, biting my lower lip in the process. He hesitated for a second, before looking downtrodden as he shook his head.

"Not today babe, I'm already late." He murmured. That answer wasn't good enough for me, before he could move, I wiggled out of the covers, and reached up my legs, wrapping them firmly around his waist. He gave me a narrowed eyed glare.

"Now what are you gonna do." I purred, wrapping my arms around his shoulder, nipping at his earlobe.

"Y'know, being pregnant makes my hormones go wild, and all I can think about is what is under all these clothes." I let my teeth graze his ear whilst I spoke, playing with the collar of his shirt. He groaned softly, before I felt him shaking his head.

"God, you'll be the death of me." He muttered. I pulled back, thinking that I had succeeded in my tiny quest, until he placed a peck on my cheek. I let our a tiny grown in the back of my throat as he shook his head at me, untangling my legs from his waist.

"You're gonna regret it." I spoke mildly. He gave me a pained look.

"Oh believe me, I already am." He admitted, before giving me a kiss on my lips instead. I tightened my grip on his neck, making sure that the kiss lasted longer. He smiled into the kiss.

"I love you." He breathed. It made my mild annoyance dull to nothing, as my own smile spread over my mouth. I lightly grasped his bottom lip between my two, before pulling back.

"I love you too." He gave me a soft kiss on my forehead, before lifting himself off the bed with a grunt. I heard him go grab his bag, as I laid on my back, staring at the plain white ceiling.

"I'll see you this afternoon." His voice echoed across the apartment from near the door. I lazily lifted up my hand, waving at him. Then the door closed and the whole room was plunged in silence. That was when I realised, he hadn't said a single word about the ultrasound I had today.

I visited Mom before I left for the Clinic. Once again, she was unresponsive, just lying in a ball of blankets on her bed. We were told by many people this would be normal for a little while, and all we can do is make sure she eats and drinks and just leave her be until she comes back round. Ryan had been fussing over her ever since we found out, I can't remember the last time he went out, but whenever I say I'll stay a night and look after her, he refuses to leave anyway. I sat on the edge of the bed, only seeing the tops of Mom's sandy blonde hair peeking out of the covers.

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