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Before Tyler broke his curse

At the Masquerade Ball at the Lockwood Mansion, artists are seen doing tricks with fire and people in masks are watching. Inside in the office, Tyler is getting ready. His mother, Carol, tells him it's already packed outside. Mother and son compliment each other on their looks. Tyler apologizes for his past behavior and Carol mentions that the Masquerade theme was her late husband's idea.

She says that they both loved him and that "it's natural to feel abandoned. I just don't want you to feel alone." They decide to go outside and pretend to have some fun.

Tyler greets Amelia and admires how amazing she looks.

Katherine and Lucy arrive in masks. She runs into Matt and he thinks it's Elena. Katherine compliments him in his suit. She compels him, saying: "Do you know what you have to do?" Matt answers: "I'm going to get Tyler Lockwood really drunk. I'm going to start a fight with him and beat him until he snaps." "And then?", asks Katherine. "I won't stop until he kills me," says Matt. Katherine then asks him to leave.

Stefan is outside looking around when Damon comes to him from inside the mansion. Neither brother has seen Katherine yet. They play mind games on each other about loving Katherine and whether one of them will or will not hesitate to kill her. Sarah and Aimee are inside the office dancing with each other, and Matt, Amelia and Tyler are there too, drinking and talking.

Tyler says he likes that for once, it's Matt corrupting him and not the other way around. "Okay, let's go party," says Aimee and Sarah and the guys follow her. Jeremy is seen going upstairs with a bag in his hand, followed by Bonnie. They enter a room, which Bonnie exclaims is perfect for what they need to do. Jeremy opens the bag and they take out weapons and Emily Bennett's Grimoire. Bonnie explains the spell to Jeremy.

When he asks her about her magic, she explains that she doesn't want to know too much, and that she's only practiced spells that do good. She then admits that she doesn't really like any of this supernatural drama and doesn't really want to be a part of all of this.

When Jeremy says being a witch must be cool, Bonnie says it's anything but that because of what she knows about what happened to her witch ancestors: "It never ends well for people like me." She says she only helps because she doesn't want anyone else to get hurt and that she doesn't know how to stay out of it.

Jenna and Elena are at home eating pizza. Jenna says she feels like an invalid. When Elena asks her aunt where Jeremy went, she says that he went to the Lockwood party, which surprises Elena. Jenna says that she's glad he's having some fun. Elena, suspicious, pretends to go get napkins, but actually goes into the kitchen to talk to Alaric. She tells him that she feels like everyone is avoiding her and wants to know what's going on.

Alaric says that he can't tell her anything, but when Elena suggests that maybe she should go to the ball after all, he clearly has a problem with it. He tries to deflect by telling her that he's supposed to keep an eye on her in case Katherine shows up and tries to hurt her while everyone else is at the party, but she just gets more confused and upset, saying that Stefan would never go to any of the Mystic Falls events by himself, because he only attended them for her. Alaric tells her to drop it, and she appears to go along with it.

Jeremy and Bonnie go to tell Stefan that the room is ready, but on their way, Bonnie gets a strange feeling and walks over to Lucy to ask if they know each other. Lucy deflects by saying that she's a plus one and knows no one and quickly takes her leave. "Are you okay?" asks Jeremy and Bonnie answers: "Just got a weird vibe. Let's find Damon." Outside, Stefan is seen, still looking around, until he finally eyes Katherine and walks towards her a little. Suddenly, she shows up behind him and asks him to dance with her. When Stefan refuses, Katherine asks him to choose someone at the party for her to kill instead. Stefan finally agrees to dance with her.

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