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Lockwood Home (Aspen)

Amelia's Voice Over

[When we were young, we thought that those that were really evil, could never be redeemed. That's only half true. At least for certain people.
Those like Katherine had their chance to make a different choice. A choice that will allow them to start over again and or move on. But they choose revenge. And because of that, it lead to their downfall. Although in Kai's case (lucky bastard) is sent to the prison world to rot for eternity.]

Amelia is all dressed for the trip to Mystic Falls. It will be thanksgiving soon and if they arrive early, they can be on time for it.

While Tyler was driving six kids in his mini van, Amelia drove in the Black Chevy, with her newborn son of three weeks old. Elijah Klaus Lockwood. Naming him after the two greatest Originals she's ever known. "Come on, Elijah. Let's meet the rest of family."

The baby boy merely cooed as he slept in his baby seat. Safe and secure. And when Amelia got in, she can hear her husband's thoughts in her head. "Ready to go?"

"Ready as ever, babe. Lead the way." Amelia got inside and followed her husband to Mystic Falls. And hopefully, they'll arrive before even starts.

Unknown to them, Nahele has knows how to get them there faster. And thanks to his mastery of magic, he can teleport anybody to a location of his choosing. And before they can even start moving, they found themselves in the Virginia Boarders.

[I guess my Ancestor has a view tricks up his sleeves. And he retreated to his domain, exploring the limits of his powers. As well watching over the world and only interfering if he has to.]


November Monday 23rd, 2026

Lockwood Mansion

[Everyone was invited to Thanksgiving. At least those closest to one another. One thing is clear: it's gonna be a big meal. When one looks at us, you can see the Gilberts, Salvatores, Hales, Forbes, Bennetts, Donovans and Lockwoods coming together. And believe me when I say this, it wasn't easy organizing this. But with ease, there's enough food to feed the entire town.]

Elena and Damon arrived. Along with their kids. Stefani Salvatore (daughter/08), John Salvatore (son/06), Ethan Salvatore (son/three months old) Izzy Salvatore (daughter/three months).

Bonnie and Enzo also came with their kids. Eli and Shelia Bennett are now eight. Their youngest kid, Damon Bennett is five. And their youngest daughter is a month old. Emily Bennett.

Jeremy Gilbert & Juliana Gilbert. The latter met Jeremy during one of her vampire hunts. She doesn't hate all vampires. Just the ones that do harm. So she's ok with Caroline. The two hunters got married and had kids.

The first being Grayson Gilbert (son/06). Named after his grandpa. Then there his twin, Alaric and Jack Gilbert (son/06). Named after the man that raised Elena and Jeremy. Even for a short while. And then their youngest daughter, Maranda Gilbert (01). Named after her grandmother.

Jordan & Shay Labonair. And they brought their kids. Alec Labonair (son/08), James Labonair (son/06), Selena Labonair (daughter/03) and Dylan Labonair (son/10 months).

Matt & Gracie Donovan came as well. The women is human. Also a hunter like Juliana. Same mindset as her. Their kids are Steve Donovan (son/07), Vicki Donovan (daughter/04) and Miles Donovan (son/a month old).

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