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Jules, the werewolf that came to Mystic Falls, wakes up naked in the woods, laying next a big pile of dead, dismembered bodies. The blood smeared near her mouth indicates that she killed them the previous night during the full moon. She strips one of the bodies of their clothes, puts them on, and is just about to burn the bodies when a park ranger named Jerry drives past. She begins to fake cry as the ranger approaches, and says that a wolf came in the middle of the night and slaughtered her friends. He asks her if she is okay and she admits that she is, but her friends are dead. As the ranger calls for back-up, she runs up behind him and swings a large piece of wood at his head. As he falls to the ground, she swings the wood back again for another blow.

Meanwhile, Elena and Stefan discuss Stefan's idea to call Isobel. Elena thinks it is a bad idea, because she's afraid it will anger Elijah. Stefan retorts that she has a deal with him, but he doesn't. Elena prepares a glass of water with a few drops of vervain in it, takes a sip and asks Stefan if he really wants to drink it. He says he needs to build up his tolerance now that they know Originals can compel other vampires, especially since they don't know what other skills they have. He drinks the water and chokes, falling to his knees. He eventually stops coughing, and goes to leave to see if he can get in touch with Isobel, kissing Elena before she can argue further.

Downstairs, Damon walks into his room and sees Rose sitting on his bed, looking pale. She tells him that she is 560 years old, so she lived enough and should be ready to die.

Damon checks her werewolf bite, which has grown in size and become very inflamed and infected, but lies and says it looks better. Rose looks at him skeptically when Elena walks in. Damon asks her if she agrees it looks better, and Elena lies poorly as she says it doesn't look bad.

Damon asks Elena where Stefan is and she tells him her concerns about contacting Isobel. Damon stops her and tells her he agrees with Stefan on this. He leaves to go track down Jules and see if she knows of a cure and tells Elena to keep an eye on Rose to prevent her from continuing to argue.

Elena follows Damon to the door and asks if Rose is going to die. He admits that she probably will, as the werewolf bite caused an infection that's getting worse, and emphasizes that since he's not an expert like Isobel, he doesn't know what is going to happen, to further convince her that contacting Isobel is necessary and leaves.


Mystic Falls High School

Everyone is preparing the Booster Club Barbecue. Amelia joins Tyler.

"How are you feeling?"

"I'm okay. I'm sore, every muscle aches." Amelia knows that feeling. Even though she shifts once every four weeks and even though she's used to the pain, her muscles would still ache and she'll still feel sore.

"I know the feeling. I'm feeling it too. It will past." She then went in front of him. "You did it, Ty. Your first full moon and you didn't hurt or kill anyone. You went through the first change within a minute." Tyler still remembers that night with Amelia. Although he wasn't ok with the pain he was forced to go through, he was glad to have Amelia there. "Last night was a victory. You know, let's take it."

Tyler nodded in agreement before saying. "Look, I really want to thank you again. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't been there."

She smiles. "You're welcome. We'll talk about the other stuff once the muscle aches disappear. Until then, let's have fun and take it easy."


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